Office Orders

S. No. Office Orders
1Office order no. 655 dated 21.03.2025 regarding work of nursing establishment (SNO & NO).
2Office order no. 594 dated 27.01.2025 Regarding confirmation of Nursing Officers.
3Office Memorandum no. 634 dated 06.03.2025 Introduction of Online Attendance Management System for monthly attendance of Contractual / Outsourced staff -reg.
4Circular no. 614 dated 18.02.2025 Regarding Procedure to be followed for submitting APARs of Group B & C employees.
5Office Order no.- 604 dated 05.02.2025 Regarding strict compliance of Rule No. 20 of the CCS (Conduct) Rules.
6Declaration of Holiday on 23 January 2025- as closed holiday on account of Municipal Body Election in Uttarakhand -reg.
7Office Order no. – 589 dated 22.01.2025 regarding C-3 parking.
8Office Order No. 2439 dated 11.01.2024 regarding “celebration of Republic Day, 2025 (26th January, 2025) at AIIMS Rishikesh-reg.
9Office Memorandum reg. submission of Immovable Property Return (IPR) for year 2024 (as on 31.12.2024) by all Faculty/Nursing/Non-faculty (Group A,B & C).-reg
10Office Order No. 580 dated 09.01.2025 regarding “Implementation of 25% Increase in Nursing and Dress Allowance consequent upon increase in DA to 50%”-reg.
11Office order no.- 569 dated 27.12.2024 regarding LTC form/ LTC Advance form.
12Office Memorandum no.- 568 dated 28.12.2024 regarding Guidelines related to following of proper channel mechanism.
13Office Memorandum – Use of Institute’s letter head / official e-mail ID by Institute’s employees for personal usage / grievances / requests / applications
14Office order – NPS Customer Awareness Program (ASAP)-regarding.
15Office order -Office order no.- 546 Regarding Oath on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of Constitution Day.
16Office Order – Arrangement of IAPSCON-2024 Program
17office order no.-526 dated 23.10.2024 regarding Vigilance Awareness Week 2024
18office order no.-2482 dated 22.10.2024 regarding Delegation of power
19Leave office order for Nursing Cadre- reg.
20Office Order No. 1094 dated 19.10.2024 Reg Anti-Ragging Squad
21Office Memorandum No. 9106 – Provisional Seniority list of all Senior Nursing Officers in AIIMS Rishikesh.
22Regarding biometric verification of Nursing officers selected under NORCET -04 & NORCET-05.
23Amendment in General Financial Rules, 2017-reg.
28Instructions for prohibition of electronic devices on 01.09.2024 in Main Auditorium on the occasion of visit of Hon’ble Vice President-regarding.
29Office order-SOP/Guidelines for social media to prevents/handle incidences in AIIMS Rishikesh-reg.
30Office Order No. 490 dated 24.08.2024 regarding Dress Code for Administrative Cadres (Group A,B & C)-reg
31Office Memorandum -Provisional Seniority List of all Senior Nursing Officers in AIIMS Rishikesh-reg
32Office Order || No. 329 dated 13 Aug 2024 || Regarding Internal Complaint Committee (ICC)
33Circular- Reg. Fire Safety
34Circular No. 480 dated 06.08.2024 regarding Observing “Cyber Jagrookta Diwas ” at AIIMS Rishikesh on 07th August, 2024
35Office order no.479-Auditions for selection of participants for cultural programme to be organized on the event of Independence Day , 2024 (15th, August 2024)-reg.
36Office Order No. 475 – Regarding conducting training of Faculty/Officers/ Administrative staff of AIIMS Rishikesh from 29/07/2024 to 01/08/2024-reg.
37O.O No. 472 dated 27.07.2024 regarding celebration of Independence Day, 2024 (15th August, 2024) at AIIMS Rishikesh-reg.
38Office order No. 469 dated 24.07.2024 regarding Holidays to be observed in AIIMS Rishikesh during calendar year 2025-reg.
39Serious cognizance taken by the Grievance Committee of the Institute on incident happened in Trauma OT-reg.
40Provisional Priority List for Quarters Allotment (Type IV)
41Provisional Priority List for Quarters Allotment (Type III)
42Provisional Priority List for Quarters Allotment (Type II)
43Provisional Priority List for Quarters Allotment (Type I)
44Office Order No. 440 dated 29.05.2024 regarding ” Instructions to refrain from making video/reels on social media platforms at duty place during working hours”
45Office order no.- 425 dated 22.04.2024 regarding Parking and Convocation
46Office order no. 421 dated 18.04.2024 regarding prompt reply of email/queries/information from various departments/sections of Institute as and when asked by administration section on priority basis
47Office order no. 420 dated 18.04.2024 regarding compulsory adherence to office timing of AIIMS Rishikesh-reg
48Office Order No. 418 dated 12.04.2024 regarding “Declaration of Holiday on 19th April, 2024- as Closed Holiday on account of General Election to Lok Sabha 2024”-reg.
49Office order no. 415 dated 02.04.2024 regarding compulsory adherence to office timing of AIIMS Rishikesh-reg
50Office Order No. 414-Appointment of First Appellate Authority under RTI Act, 2005-reg
51Office Order- Committee constitution for developing Procurement Manual
52Office Order No.532- Committee Constitution for developing common Technical Specification for Procurement of Equipment and Consumables through GeM
53Office order- Compulsory wearing of identity card in the view of Holi Festival-reg.
54Office order no. 410 : Reg Appointment of First Appellate Authority
55Office Oder No.401:- Office Memorandum reg. submission of Immovable Property Return (IPR) for year 2023 (as on 31.12.2023) by all Faculty/Nursing/Non-faculty (Group A,B & C).-reg
56Office Order reg. CPIO dated 13 Dec 2023
57Office order No. 180 dated 23/01/24 Provisional Seniority list of Junior Admin. Assistant as on 01.01.2024 in AIIMS Rishikesh – reg.
58Office Order No. 389 dated 30.01.2024, The Leave flow of regular Group B & C Employees-reg.
59Office order No. 180 dated 23/01/24 (Regarding Poor Free Form)
60Office order No. 385 dated 19/01/24 Regarding Declaration of Half Day Closing (till 2.30 PM) on 22nd January 2024.
61Office order No. 6958 dated 17/01/24 Regarding “celebration of Republic Day, 2024 (26th January, 2024) at AIIMS Rishikesh.(Corrigendum)
62Office order No. 457 dated 12/01/24 Regarding “celebration of Republic Day, 2024 (26th January, 2024) at AIIMS Rishikesh.
63Office Memorandum – Modification in OM regarding Vehicle Requisition.
64Circular No.: #AIIMS/Rishi/202/DDA/2023/474 dated 16.12.2023
65Office order No. 456 dated 15/12/23 regarding Department Code in respective category is further assigned to following department.
66Office order No. 361 dated 15/12/23 regarding charge of Central Public Information Officer (CPIO)
67Office order No. 457 dated 04/11/23 regarding charge of SAO
68Office order No. 343 dated 2/11/23 Observations of Vigilance Awareness Week, 2023-reg.
69Office order No. 454 dated 26/10/23 regarding charge of Registrar, AIIMS Rishikesh.
70Office order No. 341 dated 21.10.2023 regarding Holidays to be observed in AIIMS Rishikesh during calendar year 2024-reg.
71Reg. Appointment of First Appellate Authority
72Office Order No. 333 dated 05.10.2023 regarding Vishakha Committee.
73Corrigendum: Office Order No. 318 dated 08.08.2023 regarding “celebration of Independence Day, 2023 (15th August, 2023) at AIIMS Rishikesh-reg.
74Office Order – Vehicles (Four Wheeler/Two Wheeler) Parking Stickers -reg.
75Office Order -Regarding e-office and manual format leave flow channel of all regular Group B and Group C employees of AIIMS Rishikesh-reg.
76Office Order No. 2130 dated 15/07/2023 regarding organizing Tree/Sapling Plantation Drive on the occasion of Harela Divas on 17/07/2023 (Monday) at AIIMS Rishikesh-reg.
77Office Order – Wearing Official identity cards in the institute is Mandatory-regarding.
78Office Order – Wearing official identity cards during duty hours -reg.
79Circular for APAR No. 1341 dated 09.06.2023 for year 2022-23- reg.
80Office Order -“Nursing Welfare Committee” – reg.
81Office Order – First Appellate Authority designated for RTI -reg.
82Notice – Training of leave through e-office-reg.
83Office Memorandum – Provisional Priority list of Type IV residential quarters – reg.
84Circular No. 203/Admin/APAR/2022-23/268 dated 27/04/2023 and as per provisions laid down under Govt. of lndia in matter of writing of ACRs/APARs of employees a strict time-schedule is needed to be adhered to by all authorities concerned. Time schedule for recording and completion of APAR for year 2022-2023 for Group ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ officers of AIIMS Rishikesh
85Office Memorandum- Seniority list of all Nursing Officer joined against Advt. No. 2018/205-208 in AIIMS Rishikesh – reg.
86Office Order No. 272 dated 06.05.2023 regarding e-office leave flow channel of Group B and Group C employees of AIIMS Rishikesh-reg.
87Circular No. 268 dated 27.04.2023 regarding circulation of APAR for year 2022-23 of Faculties,Officers and employees of AIIMS Rishikesh-reg.
88Office Memorandum – Provisional Seniority list of all Senior Nursing Officers in AIIMS Rishikesh – reg.
89Notice – All outsource nursing personnel-reg.
90Notice -Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for the post of Sr. Administrative Assistant (UDC) -reg.
91Order No. 88 (Amended) regarding celebration of Dr. B. R Ambedkar Jayanti (14th April, 2023) at AIIMS Rishikesh-reg.
92Office Memorandum- Provisional Seniority list of all Nursing Officer joined against Advt. No. 2018/205-208 in AIIMS Rishikesh-reg.
93Office Memorandum – Priority list of Type IV residential quarters-reg.
94Office Order No. 265 dated 11.04.2023 regarding Declaration of Holiday on 14th April, 2023, on account of birthday of Dr. B.R Ambedkar-reg.
95Order No. 88 dated 11.03.2023 regarding celebration of Dr. B. R Ambedkar Jayanti (14th April, 2023) at AIIMS Rishikesh-reg.
96Circular no. -7884 dated 05.04.2023. for Nursing registration certificate (Uttarakhand State Nursing & Midwives Council)-Reg.
97Provisional Seniority list of all Nursing Officer joined against Advt. No. 2018/205-208 in AIIMS Rishikesh – reg.
98Reimbursement of Children Education Allowance for financial year 2022-23-reg.
99Opting to Tax Scheme under Income Tax Act, 1961 for the FY 2023-24-reg.
100Circular no. -5264 dated 11.02.2023. for Nursing registration certificate (Uttarakhand State Nursing & Midwifes Council)-Reg.
101Notice regarding Unauthorized uses name of AIIMS Rishikesh. Notice Letter no.-4979 dated 30.01.2023
102Circular 19.01.2023
103Office Order Dated 29.11.2022 reg First Appellate Authority
104Declaration of savings for Income Tax Rebate/Deductions for F.Y 2022-23 under Income Tax Act, 1962.-reg.
105Office Memorandum-Final Seniority list of all Group’B’ (Non Nursing) & ‘C’ staff in AIIMS Rishikesh-reg.
106Office Memorandum – Requests for NOCs, Experience / Service Certificate etc. – regarding.
107Office Order No. 223 dated 11/10/2022
108Circular No. 3082 dated 01/10/2022 regarding celebration of Gandhi Jayanti and Birth Anniversary of Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri-reg.
109Office Order No. 220 regarding Draft provisional List for Type-III accommodation-reg. 01.10.2022
110Provisional Priority List for Type-3 29.09.2022
111Office Order (Provisional Priority List for Type III -reg) 29.09.2022
112Office order 27.09.2022
113Office Memorandum -Provisional Seniority list of all Group ‘B’ & ‘C’ Staff (Non-Nursing) in AIIMS Rishikesh-reg.
114Office order regarding allotment of Type 5, Type 4 old quarters. 21.09.2022
115Revised provisional priority list Type I
116Revised provisional priority List Type II
117Revised provisional priority list Type III
118Office Order 16.09.2022
119Priority list of Type-IV
120Provisional priority list of Type I and Type II
121Provisional priority list of Type III
122Office Order regarding promotion of Nursing Officer 17/08/2022
123Office Order No. 1643- “Allotment of Remaining Quarters”
124Circular No. 188 regarding Circulation of APAR for the year 2021-22
125Office Order Regarding Type V (Old) House Allotment
126Type IV Accomodation Provisional priority list
127Office Order dated 28.04.2022
128Office order No 1420 regarding Provisional Priority List of Type IV residential quaters
129Circular no 90 dated 29 March 2022
130O.M no. 9471 regarding “Declaration of closed holiday on 14 February 2022 on account of General Election to the legislative Assembly of all Constituencies of the State of Uttrakhand”
131Office Order regarding Duty Timing for Administrative Offices and employees in AIIMS Rishikesh
132Office Order no 719 regarding Type V accommodation
133Office order No 165 dated 10/11/2021
134office order regarding House Allotment Committee
135office order for appointment of Medical superintendent
136office order regarding Multiple deanships in Institute
137office order regarding temporary stay in Accommodation allotment
138Office Memorandum regarding Isolation/Quarantine of Healthcare Workers
139office Memorandum no 4982
140office memorandum regarding declaration of Holiday on 14th April, 2021
141Office Order regarding Vishakha Committee of Institute
142O.O No. 4460 dated 04.12.2020
143Office Order Regarding Letter head
144Office Order Regarding ID Card (Identity card)
145EHS Circular
146Order for CPIO at AIIMS Rishikesh
147Office Order regarding new assignment of Faculty Members
148Joining order of Prof. U.B Mishra,Dept. of Hospital Administration
149Office Order regarding plastic ban in AIIMS Rishikesh Premises
150Office Memorandum regarding Celebration of Gandhi Jayanti
151Office Memorandum regarding updation of Telephone Directory 
152Office Order regarding Joining, Mrs. Santosh,Administrative Officer,AIIMS Rishikesh
153Office order regarding Joining(Dr. Rebecca Chowdhry,Assitant Professor)
154Office Order regarding Career guidance cell
155Office Order for Joining (Professor-Dept. of Neurosurgery)
156Officer Order for Joining of Assistant Professor (Department of hospital administration)
157Order regarding Academic Session of MBBS 2019 Batch
158Office Order for joining (Professor – CTVS)
159Office Order regarding Joining
160Office Order regarding Education Leave for Faculty
161Office Order for joining (Executive Engineer)
162Office Order – E.H.S.
163Download Application Form
164Office Order – Appellate Authority -06.11.2018
165Office Order – Local Purchase Committee-IT -24.07.2018
166Office Order for Parking -09.05.2018
167Office Order – Registrar -07.05.2018
168Office Order – Hospital (Planning) Committee – 01.02.2018
169Office Order – 04.01.2018
170Office order – 20.12.2017
171Visakha Committee
172Women Cell Committee
173Grievance committee
174lntegrated Teaching for MBBS Students
175New Mentoring Committee has been constituted for Undergraduate students
176Alumni Affair Cell is hereby constituted at AIIMS Rishikesh
177Nodal officer for Academic Committee of Institute
178Nodal officer for implementation of Undergraduate (MBBS) and postgraduate curricurum
179Office order-(I.T.Committee)
180Staff counsil constituted by Honrable Director
181Timing for classes of 1st year MBBS students (2017 batch) with effect from 25th September, 2017
182Public Grievance Committee
183Authorized travel agent to provide Air Tickets to Officers/ Faculties/ Staffs
184Office Order
185Central Public Information Officer, Date-11/09/2015
186Nomination of Nodal Officer for social media sites
187Office Order Faculty Assignments
188Office Order 1
189Final Acceptance Committee (FAC), dated- 05/07/2017
190Office Order – 19.07.2017
191Office Order 14-08-2017
192Office Order – 09/05/2017
193Office Order – 24/05/2017
194Office Order – e-attendance
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