S. No. |
Office Orders |
1 | Office order no. 655 dated 21.03.2025 regarding work of nursing establishment (SNO & NO). |
2 | Office order no. 594 dated 27.01.2025 Regarding confirmation of Nursing Officers. |
3 | Office Memorandum no. 634 dated 06.03.2025 Introduction of Online Attendance Management System for monthly attendance of Contractual / Outsourced staff -reg. |
4 | Circular no. 614 dated 18.02.2025 Regarding Procedure to be followed for submitting APARs of Group B & C employees. |
5 | Office Order no.- 604 dated 05.02.2025 Regarding strict compliance of Rule No. 20 of the CCS (Conduct) Rules. |
6 | Declaration of Holiday on 23 January 2025- as closed holiday on account of Municipal Body Election in Uttarakhand -reg. |
7 | Office Order no. – 589 dated 22.01.2025 regarding C-3 parking. |
8 | Office Order No. 2439 dated 11.01.2024 regarding “celebration of Republic Day, 2025 (26th January, 2025) at AIIMS Rishikesh-reg. |
9 | Office Memorandum reg. submission of Immovable Property Return (IPR) for year 2024 (as on 31.12.2024) by all Faculty/Nursing/Non-faculty (Group A,B & C).-reg |
10 | Office Order No. 580 dated 09.01.2025 regarding “Implementation of 25% Increase in Nursing and Dress Allowance consequent upon increase in DA to 50%”-reg. |
11 | Office order no.- 569 dated 27.12.2024 regarding LTC form/ LTC Advance form. |
12 | Office Memorandum no.- 568 dated 28.12.2024 regarding Guidelines related to following of proper channel mechanism. |
13 | Office Memorandum – Use of Institute’s letter head / official e-mail ID by Institute’s employees for personal usage / grievances / requests / applications |
14 | Office order – NPS Customer Awareness Program (ASAP)-regarding. |
15 | Office order -Office order no.- 546 Regarding Oath on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of Constitution Day. |
16 | Office Order – Arrangement of IAPSCON-2024 Program |
17 | office order no.-526 dated 23.10.2024 regarding Vigilance Awareness Week 2024 |
18 | office order no.-2482 dated 22.10.2024 regarding Delegation of power |
19 | Leave office order for Nursing Cadre- reg. |
20 | Office Order No. 1094 dated 19.10.2024 Reg Anti-Ragging Squad |
21 | Office Memorandum No. 9106 – Provisional Seniority list of all Senior Nursing Officers in AIIMS Rishikesh. |
22 | Regarding biometric verification of Nursing officers selected under NORCET -04 & NORCET-05. |
23 | Amendment in General Financial Rules, 2017-reg. |
28 | Instructions for prohibition of electronic devices on 01.09.2024 in Main Auditorium on the occasion of visit of Hon’ble Vice President-regarding. |
29 | Office order-SOP/Guidelines for social media to prevents/handle incidences in AIIMS Rishikesh-reg. |
30 | Office Order No. 490 dated 24.08.2024 regarding Dress Code for Administrative Cadres (Group A,B & C)-reg |
31 | Office Memorandum -Provisional Seniority List of all Senior Nursing Officers in AIIMS Rishikesh-reg |
32 | Office Order || No. 329 dated 13 Aug 2024 || Regarding Internal Complaint Committee (ICC) |
33 | Circular- Reg. Fire Safety |
34 | Circular No. 480 dated 06.08.2024 regarding Observing “Cyber Jagrookta Diwas ” at AIIMS Rishikesh on 07th August, 2024 |
35 | Office order no.479-Auditions for selection of participants for cultural programme to be organized on the event of Independence Day , 2024 (15th, August 2024)-reg. |
36 | Office Order No. 475 – Regarding conducting training of Faculty/Officers/ Administrative staff of AIIMS Rishikesh from 29/07/2024 to 01/08/2024-reg. |
37 | O.O No. 472 dated 27.07.2024 regarding celebration of Independence Day, 2024 (15th August, 2024) at AIIMS Rishikesh-reg. |
38 | Office order No. 469 dated 24.07.2024 regarding Holidays to be observed in AIIMS Rishikesh during calendar year 2025-reg. |
39 | Serious cognizance taken by the Grievance Committee of the Institute on incident happened in Trauma OT-reg. |
40 | Provisional Priority List for Quarters Allotment (Type IV) |
41 | Provisional Priority List for Quarters Allotment (Type III) |
42 | Provisional Priority List for Quarters Allotment (Type II) |
43 | Provisional Priority List for Quarters Allotment (Type I) |
44 | Office Order No. 440 dated 29.05.2024 regarding ” Instructions to refrain from making video/reels on social media platforms at duty place during working hours” |
45 | Office order no.- 425 dated 22.04.2024 regarding Parking and Convocation |
46 | Office order no. 421 dated 18.04.2024 regarding prompt reply of email/queries/information from various departments/sections of Institute as and when asked by administration section on priority basis |
47 | Office order no. 420 dated 18.04.2024 regarding compulsory adherence to office timing of AIIMS Rishikesh-reg |
48 | Office Order No. 418 dated 12.04.2024 regarding “Declaration of Holiday on 19th April, 2024- as Closed Holiday on account of General Election to Lok Sabha 2024”-reg. |
49 | Office order no. 415 dated 02.04.2024 regarding compulsory adherence to office timing of AIIMS Rishikesh-reg |
50 | Office Order No. 414-Appointment of First Appellate Authority under RTI Act, 2005-reg |
51 | Office Order- Committee constitution for developing Procurement Manual |
52 | Office Order No.532- Committee Constitution for developing common Technical Specification for Procurement of Equipment and Consumables through GeM |
53 | Office order- Compulsory wearing of identity card in the view of Holi Festival-reg. |
54 | Office order no. 410 : Reg Appointment of First Appellate Authority |
55 | Office Oder No.401:- Office Memorandum reg. submission of Immovable Property Return (IPR) for year 2023 (as on 31.12.2023) by all Faculty/Nursing/Non-faculty (Group A,B & C).-reg |
56 | Office Order reg. CPIO dated 13 Dec 2023 |
57 | Office order No. 180 dated 23/01/24 Provisional Seniority list of Junior Admin. Assistant as on 01.01.2024 in AIIMS Rishikesh – reg. |
58 | Office Order No. 389 dated 30.01.2024, The Leave flow of regular Group B & C Employees-reg. |
59 | Office order No. 180 dated 23/01/24 (Regarding Poor Free Form) |
60 | Office order No. 385 dated 19/01/24 Regarding Declaration of Half Day Closing (till 2.30 PM) on 22nd January 2024. |
61 | Office order No. 6958 dated 17/01/24 Regarding “celebration of Republic Day, 2024 (26th January, 2024) at AIIMS Rishikesh.(Corrigendum) |
62 | Office order No. 457 dated 12/01/24 Regarding “celebration of Republic Day, 2024 (26th January, 2024) at AIIMS Rishikesh. |
63 | Office Memorandum – Modification in OM regarding Vehicle Requisition. |
64 | Circular No.: #AIIMS/Rishi/202/DDA/2023/474 dated 16.12.2023 |
65 | Office order No. 456 dated 15/12/23 regarding Department Code in respective category is further assigned to following department. |
66 | Office order No. 361 dated 15/12/23 regarding charge of Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) |
67 | Office order No. 457 dated 04/11/23 regarding charge of SAO |
68 | Office order No. 343 dated 2/11/23 Observations of Vigilance Awareness Week, 2023-reg. |
69 | Office order No. 454 dated 26/10/23
regarding charge of Registrar, AIIMS Rishikesh. |
70 | Office order No. 341 dated 21.10.2023 regarding Holidays to be observed in AIIMS Rishikesh during calendar year 2024-reg. |
71 | Reg. Appointment of First Appellate Authority |
72 | Office Order No. 333 dated 05.10.2023 regarding Vishakha Committee. |
73 | Corrigendum: Office Order No. 318 dated 08.08.2023 regarding “celebration of Independence Day, 2023 (15th August, 2023) at AIIMS Rishikesh-reg. |
74 | Office Order – Vehicles (Four Wheeler/Two Wheeler) Parking Stickers -reg. |
75 | Office Order -Regarding e-office and manual format leave flow channel of all regular Group B and Group C employees of AIIMS Rishikesh-reg. |
76 | Office Order No. 2130 dated 15/07/2023 regarding organizing Tree/Sapling Plantation Drive on the occasion of Harela Divas on 17/07/2023 (Monday) at AIIMS Rishikesh-reg. |
77 | Office Order – Wearing Official identity cards in the institute is Mandatory-regarding. |
78 | Office Order – Wearing official identity cards during duty hours -reg. |
79 | Circular for APAR No. 1341 dated 09.06.2023 for year 2022-23- reg. |
80 | Office Order -“Nursing Welfare Committee” – reg. |
81 | Office Order – First Appellate Authority designated for RTI -reg. |
82 | Notice – Training of leave through e-office-reg. |
83 | Office Memorandum – Provisional Priority list of Type IV residential quarters – reg. |
84 | Circular No. 203/Admin/APAR/2022-23/268 dated 27/04/2023 and as per provisions laid
down under Govt. of lndia in matter of writing of ACRs/APARs of employees a strict time-schedule is needed
to be adhered to by all authorities concerned. Time schedule for recording and completion of APAR for year
2022-2023 for Group ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ officers of AIIMS Rishikesh |
85 | Office Memorandum-
Seniority list of all Nursing Officer joined against Advt. No. 2018/205-208 in AIIMS Rishikesh – reg. |
86 | Office Order No. 272 dated 06.05.2023 regarding e-office leave flow channel of Group B and Group C employees of AIIMS Rishikesh-reg. |
87 | Circular No. 268 dated 27.04.2023 regarding circulation of APAR for year 2022-23 of Faculties,Officers and employees of AIIMS Rishikesh-reg. |
88 | Office Memorandum – Provisional Seniority list of all Senior Nursing Officers in AIIMS Rishikesh – reg. |
89 | Notice – All outsource nursing personnel-reg. |
90 | Notice -Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for the post of Sr. Administrative Assistant (UDC) -reg. |
91 | Order No. 88 (Amended) regarding celebration of Dr. B. R Ambedkar Jayanti (14th April, 2023) at AIIMS Rishikesh-reg. |
92 | Office Memorandum- Provisional Seniority list of all Nursing Officer joined against Advt. No. 2018/205-208 in AIIMS Rishikesh-reg. |
93 | Office Memorandum – Priority list of Type IV residential quarters-reg. |
94 | Office Order No. 265 dated 11.04.2023 regarding Declaration of Holiday on 14th April, 2023, on account of birthday of Dr. B.R Ambedkar-reg. |
95 | Order No. 88 dated 11.03.2023 regarding celebration of Dr. B. R Ambedkar Jayanti (14th April, 2023) at AIIMS Rishikesh-reg. |
96 | Circular no. -7884 dated 05.04.2023. for Nursing registration certificate (Uttarakhand State Nursing & Midwives Council)-Reg. |
97 | Provisional Seniority list of all Nursing Officer joined against Advt. No.
2018/205-208 in AIIMS Rishikesh – reg. |
98 | Reimbursement of Children Education Allowance for financial year 2022-23-reg. |
99 | Opting to Tax Scheme under Income Tax Act, 1961 for the FY 2023-24-reg. |
100 | Circular no. -5264 dated 11.02.2023. for Nursing registration certificate (Uttarakhand State Nursing & Midwifes Council)-Reg. |
101 | Notice regarding Unauthorized uses name of AIIMS Rishikesh. Notice Letter no.-4979 dated 30.01.2023 |
102 | Circular 19.01.2023 |
103 | Office Order Dated 29.11.2022 reg First Appellate Authority |
104 | Declaration of savings for Income Tax Rebate/Deductions for F.Y 2022-23 under Income Tax Act, 1962.-reg. |
105 | Office Memorandum-Final Seniority list of all Group’B’ (Non Nursing) & ‘C’ staff in AIIMS Rishikesh-reg. |
106 | Office Memorandum – Requests for NOCs, Experience / Service Certificate etc. – regarding. |
107 | Office Order No. 223 dated 11/10/2022 |
108 | Circular No. 3082 dated 01/10/2022 regarding celebration of Gandhi Jayanti and Birth Anniversary of Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri-reg. |
109 | Office Order No. 220 regarding Draft provisional List for Type-III accommodation-reg. 01.10.2022 |
110 | Provisional Priority List for Type-3 29.09.2022 |
111 | Office Order (Provisional Priority List for Type III -reg) 29.09.2022 |
112 | Office order 27.09.2022 |
113 | Office Memorandum -Provisional Seniority list of all Group ‘B’ & ‘C’ Staff (Non-Nursing) in AIIMS Rishikesh-reg. |
114 | Office order regarding allotment of Type 5, Type 4 old quarters. 21.09.2022 |
115 | Revised provisional priority list Type I |
116 | Revised provisional priority List Type II |
117 | Revised provisional priority list Type III |
118 | Office Order 16.09.2022 |
119 | Priority list of Type-IV |
120 | Provisional priority list of Type I and Type II |
121 | Provisional priority list of Type III |
122 | Office Order regarding promotion of Nursing Officer 17/08/2022 |
123 | Office Order No. 1643- “Allotment of Remaining Quarters” |
124 | Circular No. 188 regarding Circulation of APAR for the year 2021-22 |
125 | Office Order Regarding Type V (Old) House Allotment |
126 | Type IV Accomodation Provisional priority list |
127 | Office Order dated 28.04.2022 |
128 | Office order No 1420 regarding Provisional Priority List of Type IV residential quaters |
129 | Circular no 90 dated 29 March 2022 |
130 | O.M no. 9471 regarding “Declaration of closed holiday on 14 February 2022 on account of General Election to the legislative Assembly of all Constituencies of the State of Uttrakhand” |
131 | Office Order regarding Duty Timing for Administrative Offices and employees in AIIMS Rishikesh |
132 | Office Order no 719 regarding Type V accommodation |
133 | Office order No 165 dated 10/11/2021 |
134 | office order regarding House Allotment Committee |
135 | office order for appointment of Medical superintendent |
136 | office order regarding Multiple deanships in Institute |
137 | office order regarding temporary stay in Accommodation allotment |
138 | Office Memorandum regarding Isolation/Quarantine of Healthcare Workers |
139 | office Memorandum no 4982 |
140 | office memorandum regarding declaration of Holiday on 14th April, 2021 |
141 | Office Order regarding Vishakha Committee of Institute |
142 | O.O No. 4460 dated 04.12.2020 |
143 | Office Order Regarding Letter head |
144 | Office Order Regarding ID Card (Identity card) |
145 | EHS Circular |
146 | Order for CPIO at AIIMS Rishikesh |
147 | Office Order regarding new assignment of Faculty Members |
148 | Joining order of Prof. U.B Mishra,Dept. of Hospital Administration |
149 | Office Order regarding plastic ban in AIIMS Rishikesh Premises |
150 | Office Memorandum regarding Celebration of Gandhi Jayanti |
151 | Office Memorandum regarding updation of Telephone Directory |
152 | Office Order regarding Joining, Mrs. Santosh,Administrative Officer,AIIMS Rishikesh |
153 | Office order regarding Joining(Dr. Rebecca Chowdhry,Assitant Professor) |
154 | Office Order regarding Career guidance cell |
155 | Office Order for Joining (Professor-Dept. of Neurosurgery) |
156 | Officer Order for Joining of Assistant Professor (Department of hospital administration) |
157 | Order regarding Academic Session of MBBS 2019 Batch |
158 | Office Order for joining (Professor – CTVS) |
159 | Office Order regarding Joining |
160 | Office Order regarding Education Leave for Faculty |
161 | Office Order for joining (Executive Engineer) |
162 | Office Order – E.H.S. |
163 | Download Application Form |
164 | Office Order – Appellate Authority -06.11.2018 |
165 | Office Order – Local Purchase Committee-IT -24.07.2018 |
166 | Office Order for Parking -09.05.2018 |
167 | Office Order – Registrar -07.05.2018 |
168 | Office Order – Hospital (Planning) Committee – 01.02.2018 |
169 | Office Order – 04.01.2018 |
170 | Office order – 20.12.2017 |
171 | Visakha Committee |
172 | Women Cell Committee |
173 | Grievance committee |
174 | lntegrated Teaching for MBBS Students |
175 | New Mentoring Committee has been constituted for Undergraduate students |
176 | Alumni Affair Cell is hereby constituted at AIIMS Rishikesh |
177 | Nodal officer for Academic Committee of Institute |
178 | Nodal officer for implementation of Undergraduate (MBBS) and postgraduate curricurum |
179 | Office order-(I.T.Committee) |
180 | Staff counsil constituted by Honrable Director |
181 | Timing for classes of 1st year MBBS students (2017 batch) with effect from 25th September, 2017 |
182 | Public Grievance Committee |
183 | Authorized travel agent to provide Air Tickets to Officers/ Faculties/ Staffs |
184 | Office Order |
185 | Central Public Information Officer, Date-11/09/2015 |
186 | Nomination of Nodal Officer for social media sites |
187 | Office Order Faculty Assignments |
188 | Office Order 1 |
189 | Final Acceptance Committee (FAC), dated- 05/07/2017 |
190 | Office Order – 19.07.2017 |
191 | Office Order 14-08-2017 |
192 | Office Order – 09/05/2017 |
193 | Office Order – 24/05/2017 |
194 | Office Order – e-attendance |