Institutional Ethics Committee

Institutional Ethics Committee

Institutional ethics Board consists of scientific counsellors and research experts who review the submitted research protocols for any ethical concerns and suggest corrections and modifications for the same. The Board ensures that each submitted research protocols follows the ethical principles of conducting a research study. The following are the members of the Board:

Sn. Member Name Role/Designation in ethics Board
1Prof. Sunil SainiChairperson (Clinician)
2Dr. Ashish R. BhuteMember Secretary (Basic Medical Scientist)
3Dr. Manisha BishtAlternate Member Secretary (Pharmacologist)
4Prof. Dr. Shalinee RaoBasic Medical Scientist
5Dr. Sujata KadamBasic Medical Scientist
6Prof. Yogesh K. ChawlaClinician
7Dr Kalyani SridharanClinician
8Dr. Meenakshi KhapreClinician
9Mr. Pradeep PandeyLegal Expert
10Swami Dayadhipananda (aka Dr. Shivakumar Maharaj)Theologian & Social Scientist
11Dr. S.K. KakraanSocial Scientist
12Dr. Sadhna Dimriphilosopher
13Mrs. Seema ShuklaLay person

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