S. No. |
Advertisement |
Date of Adv. / Date of Opening |
Last Date |
Application |
Important Notices |
Result |
1 | Recruitment Advertisement under Extramural Project Title – A Phase III, Multicenter, Randomised, Double-Blind, Placebo Controlled Study to Evaluate the Efficacy, immunogenicity and Safety of Single dose of Dengue Tetravalent Vaccine, Live Attenuated (Recombinant. Lyophilized) – "DengiAll" of Panacea Biotec Limited in Healthy Indian Adults" under NHRP (Vector borne component). | 26-09-2024 | 10-10-2024 | Application Form | | Result 29/10/2024 |
| 14-09-2024 | 14-10-2024 | Application Form | | |
3 | " Recruitment on Contractual Basis under Extramural Project funded by MoH&FW in the Department of Telemedicine, Regional Resource Center (RRC), AIIMS, Rishikesh. | 06-09-2024 | 26-09-2024 | application form | Notice for written & interview | Final Result  |
4 | Recruitment Advertisement for Extramural Project Title “Influenza Vaccine to reduce cardiovascular events in patients with recent myocardial infarction: a multicentric randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled trial. | 28-08-2024 | 11-09-2024 | Application Form | Notice:- Eligible 7 Non-eligible list for Fluent MI Study. 14/9/2024 | Result |
5 | Recruitment on Contractual Basis in the "Center of Excellence for Use of Drones in Medicine" at AIIMS Rishikesh | 27-08-2024 | 16-09-2024 | Application form | Notice 19-09-2024
Notice: Schedule for Written Test
Notice For Interview | Result of Consultant
Result: Associate Consultant and Technical Officer |
6 | Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) under CSIR research project | 20-08-2024 | 03-09-2024 | Application form | | |
7 | Extramural Project Title "Establishment of NIDAN Kendra at AIIMS Rishikesh website (Revised) | 13-08-2024 | 03-09-2024 | Application Form (Revised) | | Result 23/9/2024 |
8 | Advertisement for Cardiology Department under Extramural research project | 08-08-2024 | 12-08-2024 | Application Link | | |
9 | Advertisement for Walk-In Interview for the Posts of Project Technical support-III and Project Nurse –III in the Department of Pediatrics, AIIMS Rishikesh | 07-08-2024 | 18-08-2024 | Application Form | Interview Notice | Result |
10 | Advertisement for recruitment of project staff under my extramural funded Project " COTPA Uttarakhand 2023" | 06-08-2024 | 13-08-2024 | Application Form | List of eligible & non-eligible candidates for an interview 09/09/2024
Interview Notification 09/09/2024
List of eligible & non-eligible candidates for an interview 11/09/2024 | Result 25/9/2024 |
11 | Situational Analysis of Health Care facility and Community Preparedness for implementing Government of India Guidelines for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (An ICMR Taskforce Study) | 01-08-2024 | 15-08-2024 | Application Form | | |
12 | (NORCET) – 7 | 01-08-2024 | 21-08-2024 | | Notice for Verification | Result |
14 | Recruitment of CHW for Program NAMAN (NIMHANS-AHT) at Munsyari | 10-07-2024 | 11-08-2024 | | | |
15 | Advertisement for Recsearch Scientist in MRU, AIIMS, Rishikesh | 09-07-2024 | 17-07-2024 | | Eligibility List | Result |
16 | Diagnostic Utility of circulating tumor cells and cell free DNA in lung cancer patients with mediastinal/hilar lymphadenopathy on endobronchial ultrasound-transbronchial needle aspiration: A multicentre diagnostic accuracy study” to be done in MRU | 01-07-2024 | 09-07-2024 | | Call for interview | Result |
18 | Advertisement for Recruitment for Extramural Research Project titled "Development and Clinical Validation of an Artificial Intelligence-empowered antibiotic susceptibility device towards optimizing antimicrobial therapy regimen in
leukaemia & bone marrow transplant patients". | 28-06-2024 | 06-07-2024 | | Interview Notice | Result |
19 | Advertisement for the post of "Project technical Support-I " for An extramural project titled ”DevelopmeNt, implementation and evaluation of Protocolized Cardio-Obstetric Care in improving maternal Cardiac, obstetric and fetal outcomes of Pregnant Women with Heart Diseases in INDIA-NPAC-India study | 26-06-2024 | 16-07-2024 | Application form | Interview Notice 25-07-2024
Eligible and Non Eligible list 25-07-2024 | Result |
20 | Advertisement for the post of Project Technical Support-III (Research Staff) on a purely contractual basis for an ICMR funded Extramural project titled “A multicentric prospective cohort study to develop Artificial intelligence-assisted risk stratification tool for prediction of preterm birth.” | 24-06-2024 | 06-07-2024 | Application Form | Corrigendum
Eligible & Not eligible candidates
Written test & interview notice | Result 25/07/2024 |
21 | Recruitment Advertisement for Extramural Project Title “Multidisciplinary Programme of care for
women with endometriosis and its effect on chronic pelvic pain and quality of life – A
randomized control Trial”. | 19-06-2024 | 25-06-2024 | Application form | Eligible and Not Eligible List
Interview Notice 02-07-2024 | Result |
22 | Advertisement for the post of Research Assistant in the extramural project titled: "Fever, Hyperglycemia, Swallowing and Hypertension Management in Acute Stroke: Stepped Wedge Cluster Randomized Trail with Cross-sectional Data Collection (Indian Quality Improvement in Stroke Care Study)" in the dept. of Neurology. | 19-06-2024 | 28-06-2024 | | Application Form | Result |
23 | Advertisement for various post on purely contractual basis in the Extramural Research Project "CCRYN-Collaboration Centre for Mind Body Interventions Through Yoga" funded by Central Council of Research in Yoga & Naturopathy (CCRYN) | 19-06-2024 | 06-07-2024 | | | |
24 | Recruitment Advertisement for Extramural Project Titled “Evaluation of diagnostic utility of
a low-cost CPS framework based wearable device for gait analysis in children with cerebral
palsy” | 12-06-2024 | 22-06-2024 | Application Form | Interview Notice | Result |
25 | Recruitment Advertisement for Extramural Project Title “Screening of breast cancer & Health Education” | 06-06-2024 | 21-06-2024 | Application Form | | Result |
26 | SENIOR RESIDENT (NON-ACADEMIC) || Advt. No. 2024/19 | 01-06-2024 | 01-07-2024 | | Examination Notice 15-06-2024
Examination Notice 29-06-2024 | Result |
27 | Advertisement for various posts on Contractual Basis (Short-term Project titled “A CYTOGENETIC STUDY OF SUSPECTED CASES OF CHROMOSOMAL ABERRATIONS IN Western UP and UTTRAKHAND REGION OF NORTH INDIA” funded by Indian Council of Medical Research.) | 28-05-2024 | 03-06-2024 | Application Form | | Result (Project Technician 1 )
Result (Project Technical Support II ) |
28 | Advertisement for Data Entry Operator facilitated through an outsourcing agency, affiliated with AIISH, Mysore for the Outreach Service Centre – AIISH at AIIMS, Rishikesh | 24-05-2024 | 30-05-2024 | Application Form | Corrigendum 27/05/2024 | |
29 | Advertisement for the post of NMHS Survey Field Data Collector Purely on contractual basis sanctioned under EMF project titled "National Mental Health Survey-2" | 10-05-2024 | 03-06-2024 | | | Result 18/06/2024 |
30 | Advertisement for the post for short-term Project titled “A CYTOGENETIC STUDY OF SUSPECTED CASES OF CHROMOSOMAL ABERRATIONS IN Western UP AND UTTRAKHAND REGION OF NORTH INDIA” funded by Indian Council of Medical Research. | 04-05-2024 | 13-05-2024 | Application Form | | |
31 | Advertisement for staff in MRU, AIIMS, Rishikesh | 03-05-2024 | 11-05-2024 | | Extension of Date | Written test & Interview
List of candidates
Selection |
32 | Recruitment Advertisement for Extramural Project Title – "Situational Analysis of Health Care facility and Community Preparedness for implementing Government of India Guidelines for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (An ICMR Taskforce Study)" | 08-04-2024 | 20-04-2024 | Application Form | | Result |
33 | Advertisement for the post of Research Associate-1 for Research Project | 04-04-2024 | 25-04-2024 | Application Form | Interview Date: 25/06/2024 11 am onwards | Result |
34 | Advertisement for the vacancy of Field Data Collector under the project titled “End Line compliance survey of COTPA 2003 for smoke free jurisdiction and reduction in tobacco consumption in 6 districts of Uttarakhand." | 04-04-2024 | 08-04-2024 | Application Form | | Result |
35 | Advertisement for various post on purely contractual basis in the Extramural/Intramural Research Project : NIMHANS-AHT
Comprehensive Mental Health Action Program for Rural Communities (NAMAN) funded by Ashraya Hastha Trust (AHT) | 22-03-2024 | 12-04-2024 | Application Form | | |
36 | Recruitment of Project Technical Support-III (02 positions) for the project "Hospital event-based surveillance for emerging infectious diseases in medical college hospitals in India" in VRDL, Department of Microbiology, AIIMS Rishikesh. | 21-03-2024 | 11-04-2024 | Application Form | List of Eligible Candidates 17/04/2024
List of non-eligible candidates 17/04/2024 | Result (Project Technical Support-III) |
37 | NORCET-6 | 26-02-2024 | 17-03-2024 | | Result of Seat Allocation
Document Verification Notice | |
38 | Recruitment to the posts of Group A on Direct Recruitment Basis in AIIMS, Rishikesh. (Post-Deputy Medical Superintendent, Blood Transfusion Officer, Antenatal Medical Officer) | 26-02-2024 | 26-03-2024 | Apply | Document Verification & Interview Notice | Result (DMS)
Result (AMO) |
Interview Notice 04-06-2024 | Result |
40 | Recruitment Advertisement for Extramural Project Title “Evaluation of efficacy of adjunctive oral perampanel in children with Lennox Gastaut syndrome: a double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized trial” department of Pediatrics, AIIMS Rishikesh.
| 21-02-2024 | 29-02-2024 | Application Form | Notice 04/03/2024
Notice 05/3/2024 | Result 16032024 |
41 | Advertisement for various post on purely contractual basis in the Extramural Research Project CCRYN-Collaborative Centre for Mind Body Interventions through Yoga funded by Central Council of Research in Yoge & Naturopathy (CCRYN), AIIMS Rishikesh. | 20-02-2024 | 02-03-2024 | | Notice 29/2/2024
Notice 02/03/2024
| |
42 | Advertisement for post of one Project Technical Support-III in the Extramural Research Project for the ICMR funded project entitled ““Comparison of efficacy and safety of oral tizanidine and baclofen in reducing spasticity in children with spastic diplegia aged 2-10 years: a single-blind, randomized controlled trial” purely on temporary basis | 14-02-2024 | 28-02-2024 | Application | Notice 29/2/2024 | Result 15/03/2024 |
43 | Advertisement – Field Officer Position in Cardiology Department for "Health Technology Assessment" Project. | 12-02-2024 | 18-02-2024 | Application | | |
44 | Advertisement for the requirement of one post of Data Entry Operator for Hospital Based Cancer Registry in India (HBCRI) Project. | 07-02-2024 | 14-02-2024 | Application Form | | Result |
45 | Advertisement for Extramural Project titled "Doorstep Primary Health Care Model" | 25-01-2024 | 07-02-2024 | Application form | Corrigendum 6/2/2024 | Result 13/02/2024 |
46 | Advertisement for JRF Position for extramural project department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, AIIMS Rishikesh. | 25-01-2024 | 13-02-2024 | | | Result 19/2/2024 |
47 | Advertisement for JRF position in CSIR funded project the department of Hemato-Oncology, AIIMS Rishikesh.
| 24-01-2024 | 13-02-2024 | | Corrigendum 09/02/2024 | |
48 | Advertisement of Group A deputation posts (Advt. No. 2024/02-14) | 22-01-2024 | 22-03-2024 | Application Form | Date Extension 19/03/2024
Accounts Officer post cancellation notice
DV and Interview Notice 22/05/2024 | Result |
49 | "Establishment of multicentre identification portal and DNA database for identification of unidentified dead bodies in India by using molecular, bioinformatics tools and technique" Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology. | 11-01-2024 | 17-01-2024 | Application Form | | Result 30/1/2024 |
50 | Advertisement of Perfusionist on Contractual Basis || Advt No. 2024/001 | 06-01-2024 | 26-01-2024 | Annexure – B – Application Form | Important Notice
Examination Notice
Examination & Interview Notice 06/05/2024 | Result 10.06.2024 |
51 | Recruitment advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in a UCOST- sponsored Research Project department of Physiology, AIIMS Rishikesh. | 05-01-2024 | 31-01-2024 | Appliction Form | | |
52 | Recruitment advertisement for Extramural project title "Hellth Technology Assessment". | 28-12-2023 | 22-01-2024 | Application Form | | |
53 | Recruitment of Group B & C posts through Common Recruitment Examination (CRE) conducted by AIIMS New Delhi on Direct Recruitment Basis. | 23-12-2023 | 24-12-2023 | Application Form | Notice for verification
New Notice for verification
Notice for Document Verification 27/12/2023
Notice for Document Verification 27/12/2023
Cancellation Notice 29/12/2023
Notice for Document Verification || Stenographer & Junior Administrative Assistant (LDC) 12/01/2024
Verification notice post of Junior Scale Steno (Hindi) 29/1/2024
Notice CRE-AIIMS 29/2/2024
Cancellation Notice CRE-AIIMS 11/10/2024 | |
54 | Vacancy of data entry operator under the project titled “Centre for Excellence/Regional Coordinator under the National One Health Programme for Prevention and Control of Zoonoses," of which Prof. Meenu Singh, Executive Director, AIIMS, Rishikesh. | 22-12-2023 | 06-01-2024 | Application Form | | Result 12/2/2024 |
55 | Advertisement for the post of Scientist-B (Medical) in the PBCR Project. | 13-12-2023 | 21-12-2023 | Application Form | | Result
56 | Waiting List for the posts of Office/Store Attendant (Multitasking), Store Keeper, Technical Assistant/Technician, Assistant Engineer (AC&R), Wireman, Operator (E &M)/Lift Operator, Store Keeper cum Clerk, AIIMS Rishikesh.
| 01-12-2023 | 01-01-1970 | | NOTICE FOR VERIFICATION OF ELIGIBILITY / DOCUMENTS 2/12/2023
Notice reg. Store Keeper Cum clerk – Advt. No. 2019/145 dated 9th of November 2024
| |
57 | Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following position for the Pan India Study entitled “Diet and Biomarker Survey in India (DABS-I)” funded by ICMR at this Institute on temporary contract basis in Uttarakhand. | 28-11-2023 | 06-12-2023 | | Corrigendum Notice 29/11/2023 | |
58 | Physical Standard Examination for recruitment to the posts of Assistant Security Officer and Security cum Fire Jamadar at AIIMS Rishikesh. | 20-11-2023 | 23-11-2023 | | | |
60 | RECRUITMENT FOR THE POSTS OF FACULTY (GROUP A) AT AIIMS RISHIKESH(136-207) | 23-10-2023 | 21-12-2023 | Application Link | Reopen Notice 22/11/2023
Cancellation Notice Department of ENT 16/2/2024
Interview Notice for Faculty posts 16/02/2024
| Result
Result Notice 8th July 2024 |
61 | Recruitment of laboratory technician in VRDL, Department of Microbiology, AIIMS Rishikesh. | 19-10-2023 | 06-11-2023 | Application Form | Notice 7/11/2023 | Result |
62 | Population Based Cancer Registry (PBCR) project vacancy notice of ICMR-NCDIR(3 posts) | 10-10-2023 | 04-11-2023 | Application form | Notice for Interview 28/11/2023
| Result |
63 | Recruitment Advertisement for JRF Position in SERB funded Project department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, AIIMS Rishikesh. | 09-10-2023 | 22-10-2023 | Result 30/10/2023 | | |
64 | Advertisement for the recruitment for the post of Research Assistant under four ICMR Ad-hoc Research Projects. | 27-09-2023 | 10-10-2023 | Application Form | Notice 16/10/2023 | Result |
65 | Advertisement for the post of Research Assistant in the extramural project titled: “HTA of National Stroke Care Registry Programme: Development of Hospital Based Stroke Registries in different regions of India” in the dept. of Neurology. | 26-09-2023 | 29-09-2023 | Application Form | | Result 10/10/2023 |
66 | Advertisement for the post on purely contractual basis for a short tenure (4 months) in the Extramural
Research Project Network of Oncology Clinical Trials India (NOCI) funded by BIRAC, DBT, Government
of India AIIMS Rishikesh. | 25-09-2023 | 30-09-2023 | Application Form | | Result 20/10/2023 |
67 | REOPEN NOTICE Bio Medical Engineer, Maternity and Child Welfare Officer, PACS Administrator,Psychiatric Social Worker | 13-09-2023 | 03-10-2023 | Application link
Application link for old candidate | NOTIFICATION FOR OLD CANDIDATE 26.09.2023
Scheme of Examination and Indicative Syllabus
Examination Notice for the Posts of Assistant Security Officer, CSSD Technician, Dispensing Attendants, Dark Room Assistant, Social Worker, Vocation Counsellor, Junior Hindi Translator, Medico Social Service Officer Grade-I, Pharma Chemist/Chemical Examiner, Junior Reception Officer, Data Entry Operator Grade-A, Medico Social Worker, Senior Programmer (Analyst), Health Educator (Social Psychologist), Physiotherapist, Private Secretary, Security Cum Fire Jamadar, Biomedical Engineer, Personal Assistant, Lab Technician, Modellar (Artist), Sanitary Inspector Grade-II, TB and Chest Diseases Health Assistant, Assistant Laundry Supervisor, Dissection Hall Attendant, Electrocardiograph Technical Assistant, Maternity and Child Welfare Officer, Occupational Therapist, Technical Officer (Technical Supervisor), Technical Officer (Technical Supervisor) Anaesthesia/OT, Driver (Ordinary Grade), Technician Prosthetics Or Orthotics, Psychiatric Social Worker, Yoga Instructor, Lab Attendant Gr-II and Pharmacist Grade-II
Information Regarding Display of Master Question Papers/Answer Keys
Result Notification 20th November 2023 | Result (Dispensing Attendants)
Result (Dark Room Assistant)
Result (Social worker)
Result (Junior Hindi Translator)
Result (Medico Social Service Officer)
Result (Pharma Chemist / Chemical Examiner)
Result (Junior Reception Officer)
Result (Medico Social Worker)
Result (Physiotherapist)
Result (Lab Technician)
Result ( Modellar Artist)
Result (Sanitary Inspector)
Result (TB and Chest Diseases Health Assistant)
Result (Assistant Laundry Supervisor)
Result (Dissection Hall Attendant)
Result (Electrocardiograph Technical Assistant)
Result (Maternity and Child Welfare Officer)
Result (Occupational Therapist)
Result (Technical Officer (Technical Supervisor))
Result (Driver (Ordinary Grade))
Result (Psychiatric Social Worker)
Result (Yoga Instructor)
Result (Lab Attendent) |
68 | Reopen Notice Deputy Medical Superintendent, Yoga Instructor, Medio Social Service Officer Gr I, Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist, Technician Prosthetics or Orthotics, Junior Reception Officer, Junior Hindi Translator, CSSD Technician, Assistant Security Officer, Sanitary Inspector Gr II, Data Entry Operator Gr A, Social Worker | 13-09-2023 | 03-10-2023 | Application link
Application link for old candidate | NOTIFICATION FOR OLD CANDIDATE 26.09.2023
Scheme of Examination and Indicative Syllabus
Examination Notice for the Posts of Assistant Security Officer, CSSD Technician, Dispensing Attendants, Dark Room Assistant, Social Worker, Vocation Counsellor, Junior Hindi Translator, Medico Social Service Officer Grade-I, Pharma Chemist/Chemical Examiner, Junior Reception Officer, Data Entry Operator Grade-A, Medico Social Worker, Senior Programmer (Analyst), Health Educator (Social Psychologist), Physiotherapist, Private Secretary, Security Cum Fire Jamadar, Biomedical Engineer, Personal Assistant, Lab Technician, Modellar (Artist), Sanitary Inspector Grade-II, TB and Chest Diseases Health Assistant, Assistant Laundry Supervisor, Dissection Hall Attendant, Electrocardiograph Technical Assistant, Maternity and Child Welfare Officer, Occupational Therapist, Technical Officer (Technical Supervisor), Technical Officer (Technical Supervisor) Anaesthesia/OT, Driver (Ordinary Grade), Technician Prosthetics Or Orthotics, Psychiatric Social Worker, Yoga Instructor, Lab Attendant Gr-II and Pharmacist Grade-II
Corrigendum 30/10/2023
Information Regarding Display of Master Question Papers/Answer Keys
Notification for Skill Test to the Post of Data Entry Operator Grade-A
Cancellation Notice 13/12/23
Result of Data Entry Operator Grade-A
NOTICE OF BIOMETRIC & DOCUMENT VERIFICATION || WAITING LIST – 5/1/2024 | Result (Dispensing Attendants)
Result (Dark Room Assistant)
Result (Social worker)
Result (Junior Hindi Translator)
Result (Medico Social Service Officer)
Result (Pharma Chemist / Chemical Examiner)
Result (Junior Reception Officer)
Result (Medico Social Worker)
Result (Physiotherapist)
Result (Lab Technician)
Result ( Modellar Artist)
Result (Sanitary Inspector)
Result (TB and Chest Diseases Health Assistant)
Result (Assistant Laundry Supervisor)
Result (Dissection Hall Attendant)
Result (Electrocardiograph Technical Assistant)
Result (Maternity and Child Welfare Officer)
Result (Occupational Therapist)
Result (Technical Officer (Technical Supervisor))
Result (Driver (Ordinary Grade))
Result (Psychiatric Social Worker)
Result (Yoga Instructor)
Result(Assistant Securiy Officer)
Eligibility & Original Document Verification Notice
Result Deputy Medical Superintendent
69 | Reopen Notice Personal Assistant, Private Secretary, Senior Programmer (Analyst) | 13-09-2023 | 03-10-2023 | Application link
Application link for old candidate | NOTIFICATION FOR OLD CANDIDATE 26.09.2023
Scheme of Examination and Indicative Syllabus
Examination Notice for the Posts of Assistant Security Officer, CSSD Technician, Dispensing Attendants, Dark Room Assistant, Social Worker, Vocation Counsellor, Junior Hindi Translator, Medico Social Service Officer Grade-I, Pharma Chemist/Chemical Examiner, Junior Reception Officer, Data Entry Operator Grade-A, Medico Social Worker, Senior Programmer (Analyst), Health Educator (Social Psychologist), Physiotherapist, Private Secretary, Security Cum Fire Jamadar, Biomedical Engineer, Personal Assistant, Lab Technician, Modellar (Artist), Sanitary Inspector Grade-II, TB and Chest Diseases Health Assistant, Assistant Laundry Supervisor, Dissection Hall Attendant, Electrocardiograph Technical Assistant, Maternity and Child Welfare Officer, Occupational Therapist, Technical Officer (Technical Supervisor), Technical Officer (Technical Supervisor) Anaesthesia/OT, Driver (Ordinary Grade), Technician Prosthetics Or Orthotics, Psychiatric Social Worker, Yoga Instructor, Lab Attendant Gr-II and Pharmacist Grade-II
Information Regarding Display of Master Question Papers/Answer Keys
Result Notification 20th November 2023
Notification for Skill Test to the Posts of Personal Assistant and Private Secretary
Revised tentative schedule of ANS & Sr Programmer
| Result (Personal Assistant) 2/12/2023
Result (Private Secretary) 2/12/2023
Result (Senior Programmer) 14/03/2024
70 | Reopen Notice Blood Transfusion Officer, Child Psychologist, Clinical Psychologist, Vocation Counsellor, TB and Chest Diseases Health Assistant, Electrocardiograph Technical Assistant, Health Educator (Social Psychologist), Pharma Chemist/Chemical Examiner, Lab Technician, Dark Room Assistant, Assistant Laundry Supervisor, Security Cum Fire Jamadar, Dispensing Attendants, Driver (Ordinary Grade), Dissection Hall Attendant | 13-09-2023 | 03-10-2023 | Application link
Application link for old candidate | NOTIFICATION FOR OLD CANDIDATE 25.09.2023
Scheme of Examination and Indicative Syllabus Medico Social Worker, Technical Officer (Technical Supervisor), Vocation Counsellor, TB and Chest Diseases Health Assistant, Electrocardiograph Technical Assistant, Health Educator (Social Psychologist), Pharma Chemist/Chemical Examiner, Lab Technician, Dark Room Assistant, Assistant Laundry Supervisor, Security Cum Fire Jamadar, Dispensing Attendants and Dissection Hall Attendant
Scheme of Examination and Indicative Syllabus Modellar (Artist) and Driver (Ordinary Grade)
Examination Notice for the Posts of Assistant Security Officer, CSSD Technician, Dispensing Attendants, Dark Room Assistant, Social Worker, Vocation Counsellor, Junior Hindi Translator, Medico Social Service Officer Grade-I, Pharma Chemist/Chemical Examiner, Junior Reception Officer, Data Entry Operator Grade-A, Medico Social Worker, Senior Programmer (Analyst), Health Educator (Social Psychologist), Physiotherapist, Private Secretary, Security Cum Fire Jamadar, Biomedical Engineer, Personal Assistant, Lab Technician, Modellar (Artist), Sanitary Inspector Grade-II, TB and Chest Diseases Health Assistant, Assistant Laundry Supervisor, Dissection Hall Attendant, Electrocardiograph Technical Assistant, Maternity and Child Welfare Officer, Occupational Therapist, Technical Officer (Technical Supervisor), Technical Officer (Technical Supervisor) Anaesthesia/OT, Driver (Ordinary Grade), Technician Prosthetics Or Orthotics, Psychiatric Social Worker, Yoga Instructor, Lab Attendant Gr-II and Pharmacist Grade-II
Information Regarding Display of Master Question Papers/Answer Keys
Result Notification 20th November 2023
Cancellation Notice 13/12/2023
NOTICE OF BIOMETRIC & DOCUMENT VERIFICATION || WAITING LIST 5/1/2024 | Result (Security cum fire Jamadar)
Result (Clinical Psychologist)
Result ( post of Blood Transfusion Officer & Child Psychologist) |
71 | Reopen Notice ANS | 13-09-2023 | 03-10-2023 | Application link
Application link for old candidate | NOTIFICATION FOR OLD CANDIDATE 25.09.2023
Addendum/ Corrigendum 09.10.2023
Examination Notice for the Post of Assistant Nursing Superintendent
| Revised tentative schedule of ANS & Sr Programmer
Document verification & Interview Notice |
72 | Reopen Notice Technical Officer (Technical Supervisor) | 13-09-2023 | 03-10-2023 | Application link
Application link for old candidate | NOTIFICATION FOR OLD CANDIDATE 25.09.2023
Scheme of Examination and Indicative Syllabus Medico Social Worker, Technical Officer (Technical Supervisor), Vocation Counsellor, TB and Chest Diseases Health Assistant, Electrocardiograph Technical Assistant, Health Educator (Social Psychologist), Pharma Chemist/Chemical Examiner, Lab Technician, Dark Room Assistant, Assistant Laundry Supervisor, Security Cum Fire Jamadar, Dispensing Attendants and Dissection Hall Attendant Examination Notice for the Posts of Assistant Security Officer, CSSD Technician, Dispensing Attendants, Dark Room Assistant, Social Worker, Vocation Counsellor, Junior Hindi Translator, Medico Social Service Officer Grade-I, Pharma Chemist/Chemical Examiner, Junior Reception Officer, Data Entry Operator Grade-A, Medico Social Worker, Senior Programmer (Analyst), Health Educator (Social Psychologist), Physiotherapist, Private Secretary, Security Cum Fire Jamadar, Biomedical Engineer, Personal Assistant, Lab Technician, Modellar (Artist), Sanitary Inspector Grade-II, TB and Chest Diseases Health Assistant, Assistant Laundry Supervisor, Dissection Hall Attendant, Electrocardiograph Technical Assistant, Maternity and Child Welfare Officer, Occupational Therapist, Technical Officer (Technical Supervisor), Technical Officer (Technical Supervisor) Anaesthesia/OT, Driver (Ordinary Grade), Technician Prosthetics Or Orthotics, Psychiatric Social Worker, Yoga Instructor, Lab Attendant Gr-II and Pharmacist Grade-II
Information Regarding Display of Master Question Papers/Answer Keys. | |
73 | Reopen Notice Medico Social Worker, Modellar (Artist) | 13-09-2023 | 03-10-2023 | Application link
Application link for old candidate
Scheme of Examination and Indicative Syllabus Medico Social Worker, Technical Officer (Technical Supervisor), Vocation Counsellor, TB and Chest Diseases Health Assistant, Electrocardiograph Technical Assistant, Health Educator (Social Psychologist), Pharma Chemist/Chemical Examiner, Lab Technician, Dark Room Assistant, Assistant Laundry Supervisor, Security Cum Fire Jamadar, Dispensing Attendants and Dissection Hall Attendant
Scheme of Examination and Indicative Syllabus Modellar (Artist) and Driver (Ordinary Grade)
Examination Notice for the Posts of Assistant Security Officer, CSSD Technician, Dispensing Attendants, Dark Room Assistant, Social Worker, Vocation Counsellor, Junior Hindi Translator, Medico Social Service Officer Grade-I, Pharma Chemist/Chemical Examiner, Junior Reception Officer, Data Entry Operator Grade-A, Medico Social Worker, Senior Programmer (Analyst), Health Educator (Social Psychologist), Physiotherapist, Private Secretary, Security Cum Fire Jamadar, Biomedical Engineer, Personal Assistant, Lab Technician, Modellar (Artist), Sanitary Inspector Grade-II, TB and Chest Diseases Health Assistant, Assistant Laundry Supervisor, Dissection Hall Attendant, Electrocardiograph Technical Assistant, Maternity and Child Welfare Officer, Occupational Therapist, Technical Officer (Technical Supervisor), Technical Officer (Technical Supervisor) Anaesthesia/OT, Driver (Ordinary Grade), Technician Prosthetics Or Orthotics, Psychiatric Social Worker, Yoga Instructor, Lab Attendant Gr-II and Pharmacist Grade-II
Information Regarding Display of Master Question Papers/Answer Keys.
Cancellation Notice 12/12/23
| |
74 | Reopen Notice Personal Assistant, Private Secretary, Senior Programmer (Analyst) | 13-09-2023 | 03-10-2023 | Application link
Application link for old candidate | NOTIFICATION FOR OLD CANDIDATE 26.09.2023
Scheme of Examination and Indicative Syllabus
Examination Notice for the Posts of Assistant Security Officer, CSSD Technician, Dispensing Attendants, Dark Room Assistant, Social Worker, Vocation Counsellor, Junior Hindi Translator, Medico Social Service Officer Grade-I, Pharma Chemist/Chemical Examiner, Junior Reception Officer, Data Entry Operator Grade-A, Medico Social Worker, Senior Programmer (Analyst), Health Educator (Social Psychologist), Physiotherapist, Private Secretary, Security Cum Fire Jamadar, Biomedical Engineer, Personal Assistant, Lab Technician, Modellar (Artist), Sanitary Inspector Grade-II, TB and Chest Diseases Health Assistant, Assistant Laundry Supervisor, Dissection Hall Attendant, Electrocardiograph Technical Assistant, Maternity and Child Welfare Officer, Occupational Therapist, Technical Officer (Technical Supervisor), Technical Officer (Technical Supervisor) Anaesthesia/OT, Driver (Ordinary Grade), Technician Prosthetics Or Orthotics, Psychiatric Social Worker, Yoga Instructor, Lab Attendant Gr-II and Pharmacist Grade-II
Information Regarding Display of Master Question Papers/Answer Keys
Result Notification 20th November 2023
Notification for Skill Test to the Posts of Personal Assistant and Private Secretary
Revised tentative schedule of ANS & Sr Programmer
| Result (Personal Assistant) 2/12/2023
Result (Private Secretary) 2/12/2023
Result (Senior Programmer) 14/03/2024 |
75 | Recruitment on Contractual Basis under Extramural Project funded by MoH&FW in the Department of Telemedicine, Regional Resource Center (RRC), AIIMS, Rishikesh | 17-08-2023 | 06-09-2023 | Application form | Notice 7th October 2023
Corrigendum 11th October 2023 | Result |
76 | Recruitment for the post of Senior Resident (Non-Academic) on tenure basis in All India Institute of Medical
Sciences, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand. | 17-08-2023 | 06-09-2023 | Application Link | Written Test and Interview Notice 30.09.2023 | Result
Revised Result 17/11/2023 |
77 | Advertisement for post of one Senior Research Fellow (SRF) in the Extramural Research Project for the ICMR funded project entitled “Evaluation of Indocyanine Green (ICG) and Handheld Fluorescence Imager in the Management of Early Stage Gynecological Cancer” in the department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, AIIMS Rishikesh | 17-08-2023 | 02-09-2023 | Application form | Corrigendum | |
78 | Recruitment against various posts under Addiction Treatment Facility (ATF) AIIMS Rishikesh | 16-08-2023 | 04-09-2023 | | List of Shortlisted Candidates for Interview | Result |
79 | NORCET-5 | 05-08-2023 | 25-08-2023 | | NORCET-5 Result (27/10/2023)
NORCET-5 Verification Notice (27/10/2023)
| |
80 | Advertisement for the post of Research Assistant for Extramural Project in the Institue website( "The Prediction of Occurrence of Diabetic Foot ulcer by trans Epidermal water loss Measurement at AIIMS, Rishikesh" ) | 31-07-2023 | 02-08-2023 | | | Result |
81 | Reopen notice for Assistant Stores Officer, Warden (Hostel Warden), Junior Warden (House keepers), Upper Division Clerk | 25-07-2023 | 14-08-2023 | Application Link
Link for old candidate
Link for Admit Card Download (for Old Candidates)
Link for Admit Card Download (for New Candidates) | Notice for old candidates 28.07.2023
Scheme of Examination and Indicative Syllabus
Examination Notice for the Posts of Assistant Stores Officer, Junior Warden (Housekeeper), Upper Division Clerk, Junior Accounts Officer (Accountant), Assistant Engineer (Civil), Assistant Engineer (Electrical), Assistant Engineer (Air Conditioning & Refrigeration), Junior Engineer (Electrical), Junior Engineer (Air Conditioning & Refrigeration, Senior Mechanic (Air Conditioning & Refrigeration), Mechanic (Air Conditioning & Refrigeration), Store Keeper-Cum Clerk, Electrician, Lineman (Electrical), Operator (E&M)/Lift Operator, Plumber, Wireman and Tailor Grade-III
Examination Notice 19/9/2023
Scheme of Examination and Indicative Syllabus
Information Regarding Display of Master Question Papers/Answer Keys of Recruitment Examination
Notification for Skill Test 24/11/2023
Examination Notice for the Posts of Warden (Hostel Warden) and Mechanic (E&M)
Candidature cancellation Notice 6th April 2024 | Result (Assistant Stores Officer)
Result (Junior Warden (House keepers))
Result (Upper Division Clerk) 2/12/2023
Result Warden (Hostel Warden) 20/12/2023
82 | Reopen notice for Store Keeper-Cum Clerk, Electrician, Mechanic (E&M), Lineman (Electrical), Operator (E&M)/Lift Operator, Plumber, Wireman, Tailor Grade III | 25-07-2023 | 14-08-2023 | Application Link
Link for old candidate
Link for Admit Card Download (for Old Candidates)
Link for Admit Card Download (for New Candidates) | Notice for old candidates 28.07.2023
Scheme of Examination and Indicative Syllabus
Examination Noitce 19/9/2023
Scheme of Examination and Indicative Syllabus
Information Regarding Display of Master Question Papers/Answer Keys of Recruitment Examination
Cancellation Notice 23/11/2023
Examination Notice for the Posts of Warden (Hostel Warden) and Mechanic (E&M)
Notice Regarding Extension of Joining 10/10/2024
| Waiting List for the posts of Office/Store Attendant (Multitasking), Store Keeper, Technical Assistant/Technician, Assistant Engineer (AC&R), Wireman, Operator (E &M)/Lift Operator, Store Keeper cum Clerk, AIIMS Rishikesh. 1/12/2023
Result MECHANIC (E&M) 20/12/2023
83 | Reopen Link for Assistant Engineer (Civil), Assistant Engineer (Electrical), Assistant Engineer (Air Conditioning & Refrigeration), Junior Engineer (Civil), Junior Engineer (Electrical), Junior Engineer (Air Conditioning & Refrigeration), Senior Mechanic (Air Conditioning & Refrigeration), Mechanic (Air Conditioning & Refrigeration) | 25-07-2023 | 14-08-2023 | Application Link
Link for old candidate
Link for Admit Card Download (for Old Candidates)
Link for Admit Card Download (for New Candidates) | Notice for old candidates 28.07.2023
Scheme of Examination and Indicative Syllabus
Examination Notice for the Posts of Assistant Stores Officer, Junior Warden (Housekeeper), Upper Division Clerk, Junior Accounts Officer (Accountant), Assistant Engineer (Civil), Assistant Engineer (Electrical), Assistant Engineer (Air Conditioning & Refrigeration), Junior Engineer (Electrical), Junior Engineer (Air Conditioning & Refrigeration, Senior Mechanic (Air Conditioning & Refrigeration), Mechanic (Air Conditioning & Refrigeration), Store Keeper-Cum Clerk, Electrician, Lineman (Electrical), Operator (E&M)/Lift Operator, Plumber, Wireman and Tailor Grade-III
Examination Notice 19/9/2023
Information Regarding Display of Master Question Papers/Answer Keys of Recruitment Examination
Revised waiting list – 1 || Assistant Engineer (AC & R) | Result(Assistant Engineer(AC&R))
Result (Assistant Stores Officer)
Result(Assistant Engineer (Electrical))
Result (Assistant Engineer (Civil))
Result (Electrician)
Result (JE Electrical)
Result (Junior Accounts Officer)
Result (JE(AC&R))
Result (Junior Warden (House keepers))
Result (Junior Engineer (Civil))
Result (Operator (E&M)/Lift Operator)
Result (Mechanic (Air Conditioning & Refrigeration))
Result (Lineman (Electrical))
Result (Senior Mechanic (Air Conditioning & Refrigeration))
Result (Plumber)
Result (Store Keeper-cum Clerk)
Result (Tailor Grade III)
Result (Wireman)
Cancellation Notice 23/11/2023
Waiting List for the Posts of Office/Store Attendant (Multitasking), Store Keeper, Technical Assistant/Technician, Assistant Engineer (AC&R), Wireman, Operator (E &M)/Lift Operator, Store Keeper cum Clerk 1/12/2023
84 | Recruitment Advertisement for Extramural Project Title “Efficacy and Safety of IMPUTE ADT-1 in children with autism spectrum disorder aged 2-6 years” | 24-07-2023 | 07-08-2023 | | List of eligible candidates | Result |
OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY ON CONTRACTUAL BASIS IN AIIMS RISHIKESH | 17-07-2023 | 18-08-2023 | Application form | Interview Notice 30.09.2023 | Result 9/11/2023 |
86 | Recruitment of Data Entry Operator for the project VRDL | 06-07-2023 | 21-07-2023 | Application Form | | List of eligible candidates
List of selected Candidates |
87 | Advertisement for Tutor/ Demonstrator of tenure Basis | 03-07-2023 | 02-08-2023 | Application Link | Notice of Written Exam & Interview 4th of september 2023 | Result |
88 | Re-Open notice for the post of Junior Accounts Officer (Accountant) & Cashier. | 13-06-2023 | 03-07-2023 | Application Form
Link for old candidate
Admit card download | Notice for old candidates
Examination Notice for the Posts of Programmer (Data Processing Assistant), Chief Cashier, Legal Assistant, Store Keeper, Cashier, Technical Assistant/Technician and Office/Store Attendant (Multi-tasking) Programmer (Data Processing Assistant), Chief Cashier, Legal Assistant, Store Keeper, Cashier, Technical Assistant/Technician and Office/Store Attendant (Multi-tasking)
Examination Notice for the Post of Junior Accounts Officer (Accountant)
| Result (Cashier) |
89 | Recruitment to the post of Programmer (Data Processing Assistant) on Direct Recruitment Basis at AIIMS, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand. | 13-06-2023 | 03-07-2023 | Application Form
Admit card download | Examination Notice for the Posts of Programmer (Data Processing Assistant), Chief Cashier, Legal Assistant, Store Keeper, Cashier, Technical Assistant/Technician and Office/Store Attendant (Multi-tasking) Programmer (Data Processing Assistant), Chief Cashier, Legal Assistant, Store Keeper, Cashier, Technical Assistant/Technician and Office/Store Attendant (Multi-tasking)
Notice for Change in Date of CBT Recruitment-Exam
Document Verification Notice | Result |
90 | Re-Open notice for the post of Assistant Administartive Officer. | 13-06-2023 | 03-07-2023 | Application Form
Link for old candidate | Notice for old candidates | |
91 | Re-Open notice for the post of Chief Cashier | 13-06-2023 | 03-07-2023 | Application Form
Link for old candidate
Admit card download | Notice for old candidates
Examination Notice for the Posts of Programmer (Data Processing Assistant), Chief Cashier, Legal Assistant, Store Keeper, Cashier, Technical Assistant/Technician and Office/Store Attendant (Multi-tasking) Programmer (Data Processing Assistant), Chief Cashier, Legal Assistant, Store Keeper, Cashier, Technical Assistant/Technician and Office/Store Attendant (Multi-tasking)
Notice for Change in Date of CBT Recruitment-Exam
Document Verification Notice
Cancellation Notice 23/11/2023 | Result |
92 | Re-Open notice for the post of Technical Assistant / Technician. | 13-06-2023 | 03-07-2023 | Application Form
Link for old candidate
Admit card download | Notice for old candidates
Examination Notice for the Posts of Programmer (Data Processing Assistant), Chief Cashier, Legal Assistant, Store Keeper, Cashier, Technical Assistant/Technician and Office/Store Attendant (Multi-tasking) Programmer (Data Processing Assistant), Chief Cashier, Legal Assistant, Store Keeper, Cashier, Technical Assistant/Technician and Office/Store Attendant (Multi-tasking)
Document Verification Notice
Cancellation Notice 23/11/2023 | Result
Waiting List for the Posts of Office/Store Attendant (Multitasking), Store Keeper, Technical Assistant/Technician, Assistant Engineer (AC&R), Wireman, Operator (E &M)/Lift Operator, Store Keeper cum Clerk 1/12/2023
93 | Reopen Notice for Legal Assistant, Storekeeper, Lab Attendant Gr II, Office/ Stores Attendant(Multi-Tasking), Pharmacist Gr II | 13-06-2023 | 03-07-2023 | Application Link
Link for old candidate
Admit card download
| Notice regarding clarification of qualification for post of Pharmacist Gr II Dated 27th June 2023
Notice for old candidates
Examination Notice for the Posts of Programmer (Data Processing Assistant), Chief Cashier, Legal Assistant, Store Keeper, Cashier, Technical Assistant/Technician and Office/Store Attendant (Multi-tasking) Programmer (Data Processing Assistant), Chief Cashier, Legal Assistant, Store Keeper, Cashier, Technical Assistant/Technician and Office/Store Attendant (Multi-tasking)
Notice for Change in Date of CBT Recruitment-Exam
Document Verification Notice
Scheme of Examination and Indicative Syllabus 14/10/2023
Examination Notice for the Posts of Assistant Security Officer, CSSD Technician, Dispensing Attendants, Dark Room Assistant, Social Worker, Vocation Counsellor, Junior Hindi Translator, Medico Social Service Officer Grade-I, Pharma Chemist/Chemical Examiner, Junior Reception Officer, Data Entry Operator Grade-A, Medico Social Worker, Senior Programmer (Analyst), Health Educator (Social Psychologist), Physiotherapist, Private Secretary, Security Cum Fire Jamadar, Biomedical Engineer, Personal Assistant, Lab Technician, Modellar (Artist), Sanitary Inspector Grade-II, TB and Chest Diseases Health Assistant, Assistant Laundry Supervisor, Dissection Hall Attendant, Electrocardiograph Technical Assistant, Maternity and Child Welfare Officer, Occupational Therapist, Technical Officer (Technical Supervisor), Technical Officer (Technical Supervisor) Anaesthesia/OT, Driver (Ordinary Grade), Technician Prosthetics Or Orthotics, Psychiatric Social Worker, Yoga Instructor, Lab Attendant Gr-II and Pharmacist Grade-II
Information for candidates for the post of Pharmacist Grade-II
Information Regarding Display of Master Question Papers/Answer Keys
Cancellation Notice 23/11/2023
Cancellation Notice 12/12/2023
Result (Legal Assistant)
Result (Office-Store Attendant(Multitasking))
Waiting List for the Posts of Office/Store Attendant (Multitasking), Store Keeper, Technical Assistant/Technician, Assistant Engineer (AC&R), Wireman, Operator (E &M)/Lift Operator, Store Keeper cum Clerk 1/12/2023
94 | Advertisement for recruitment of SRF and research assistant in Cardiology | 07-06-2023 | 12-06-2023 | Application Link | | |
95 | Advertisement for Junior Research Fellow in Cardiology | 07-06-2023 | 15-06-2023 | Application Link | | |
96 | Deputation Advertisement for Group A & B posts || Advt. No. 2023/114-131 | 06-06-2023 | 21-07-2023 | Application form | Notice 21.07.23
Cancellation notice 06/01/2024 | Result
Result (Deputy Chief Security Officer) |
97 | Under joint collaboration of AIIMS Rishikesh and National Health Mission, Government of
Uttarakhand, Two UPHCs / Health & Wellness Centre has been functioning in urban area of
Rishikesh. Manpower has to be recruited for this purpose on contractual basis, with following
posts. | 18-05-2023 | 05-06-2023 | Application Form
| 1:- Screening criteria for shortlisted candidates.
2:- Shortlisted Candidates. |
Result(Lab Technician)
Result (Medical Officer)
Result (Staff Nurse) |
98 | Manpowr recuitment for ‘Centre for Excellence/ Regional Corrdinator under National One Health programme for Prevention and control of Zoonoses’. | 17-05-2023 | 27-05-2023 | Application | | Result |
99 | Recruitment Advertisement for Extramural Proiect Title "IMPETUS: IMPlementation of an Evaluation and Treatment Package for Uniform Stroke Care and outcomes in t\e Medical Colleges" a research project at AIIMS, Rishikesh. | 01-05-2023 | 05-05-2023 | Application | | Result |
100 | "Effectiveness of Yoga based Caidiac Rehabilitation (Yoga – Care) in Heart Failure: A Randomized Control Trial" Project in Department of Cardiology. | 28-04-2023 | 10-05-2023 | Apply | | |
101 | Recruitment Advertisement for Extramural Project in Department of Cardiology. | 26-04-2023 | 10-05-2023 | | | |
102 | Recruitment Re-advertisement for Extramural Project Titled " Detection of novel genetic aberrations by exome sequencing and its association with clinical pathogenesis leading to chemotherapy resistance in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia in Adolescents and Young adults."
| 15-04-2023 | 28-04-2023 | | | Result |
103 | Advertisement for Nursing Officer Recruitment Common Eligibility Test (NORCET) 4 Notice No.76/2023 | 12-04-2023 | 05-05-2023 | Advertisement | NOTICE FOR VERIFICATION OF ELIGIBILITY / DOCUMENTS | Result |
104 | Recruitment Advertisement for Extramural Project Title – "To assess understanding among attendees of webinars and perception about among key decision makers from professional bodies. – “Healthy Food for All” | 11-04-2023 | 15-04-2023 | | | Result |
106 | Recruitment Advertisement for Extramural Project enitled “The role of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea in the
evolution of Metabolic Syndrome in patients on treatment with second generation antipsychotics” | 03-04-2023 | 18-04-2023 | | Interview Notice | |
107 | Faculty Advertisement || Special Recruitment Drive (SC/ST/OBC) | 22-03-2023 | 23-08-2023 | Application link | Notice
Reopen Notice 24th June 2023
Interview Notice 13 sept 2023 | |
108 | Recruitment Advertisement for Extramural Project Title “Assessment of Compliance to Indian Tobacco Control Legislation (COTPA) and estimation of prevalence of Tobacco use among youths & Adults in Uttarakhand” | 22-03-2023 | 28-03-2023 | Application Form | Interview Notification | Result |
109 | Recruitment Advertisement for Extramural Project Titled “ Detection of novel genetic aberrations by exome sequencing and its association with clinical pathogenesis leading to chemotherapy resistance in chronic myeloid leukemia in adolescents and young adults.” | 20-03-2023 | 03-04-2023 | | | Result |
111 | Recruitment Advertisement for Extramural Project Title – Situational Analysis of Health Care facility and Community Preparedness for implementing Government of India Guidelines for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (An ICMR Taskforce Study) | 10-03-2023 | 23-03-2023 | | | Results |
112 | Advertisement for Reserach assistant | 02-03-2023 | 13-03-2023 | Application Form | Result | List of eligible candidates |
113 | Recruitment Advertisement for Extramural Project Title “Identification and Management of Stress
and Sleep problems among Government officials in the state of Uttarakhand: MANAS-SLEEP” | 01-03-2023 | 10-03-2023 | | | Result |
114 | Old Advertisement | 10-02-2023 | 27-03-2023 | Application Link
Application link for old candidates | 1 Instruction
2 Re-Open notice ONLY for Direct recruitment posts (from advt. no. 2017/122 to 147) (Except 2017/128 &133)
3 Examination Notice for post of LDC
4 Examination Notice
5 Notice for Skill Test of LDC
6 Notice for Biometric & Document Verification for Post of Lower Division Clerk & Audiologist
7 Examination Notice – Technical Officer – Ophthalmology
8 Examination Notice – Speech Pathologist
9 Interview for the post of Law Officer
10 Verification of Eligibility Criteria / Original Document of candidates for the post of Speech Pathologist
11 Verification of Eligibility Criteria / Original Document of candidates for the post of Technical Officer Ophthalmology (Refractionist)
12 Notice regarding Candidature Cancellation
13 Notice for document/eligiblity verification of waitlist 1 Candidates for LDC post
14 Examination Notice-MRW(Physiotherapist)
15 Examination Notice-Dietician
16 Admit Card for the Post of MRW,Dietician & Stenographer
17 Examination Notice-Stenographer
18 Notice for Biometric, Eligilibility, Document Verification & Skill Test for Post of Stenographer on Direct Recruitment Basis vide Advt no 2017/146
19 Reopen Notice 10 Feb 2023 Advt. No 2017(129 & 142)
20. Notice for old candidates: 2017(129 & 142)
21. Score Card (Result) of the Candidates appeared in the Screening /Recruitment Examination held on 15-16 June 2023
22. Verification Notice – Medical Record Officer & Manifold Technician | 1 Result for Speech Pathologist
2 Result for Technical Officer Ophthalmology (Refractionist)
3 Score Card for Speech Pathologist & Technical Officer Ophthalmology (Refractionist)
4 Result- Audiologist
5 Result for post of Lower Division Clerk
6 Result – Law Officer
7 Result for Technical Officer (Dental) / Dental Technician
8 Notice. LDC waitlist
9 Score Card – Technical officer Dental (Dental Technician)
10 Result for MRW(Physiotherapist)
11 MRW exam taken on 23/01/20 Score Card
12 Notice for verification of eligibility for post of MRW
13 Result for the post of Stenographer
14 Score card for the post of stenographer
15 Final Result for the post of Stenographer
16 Skill Test Result
115 | Advertisement for post of Senior Research fellow & project technician-III in the Extramural Research Project "ICMR’s Network of Pulmonary Fibrosis" funded by Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). | 10-02-2023 | 17-02-2023 | Application Form | Interview schedule | Result |
116 | Advertisement for Group A, B and C posts 2019 (119-134) | 10-02-2023 | 27-03-2023 | Application Link
Application link for old candidates |
1. Reopen Notice
2. Reopen Notice 10th of Feb 2023
3. Notice for old candidates 22nd Feb 2023
4. Examination Notice 28.04.2023
5. Download admit card 06.06.2023
6. Examination Notice -II
7. Notice of Shortlisted candidates || Medical Officer–Advt.No. 2019/122 & Senior Medical Officer– Advt. No. 2019/119
8. Score Card (Result) of the Candidates appeared in the Screening /Recruitment Examination held on 15-16 June 2023
9. Verification Notice – Medical Record Officer & Manifold Technician
10. Notice Skill test 17-07-2023
11. Document verification Notice (Junior Medical Record Officer (Receptionist))
12. Notice of cancellation of candidature for Medical Officer (AYUSH) 17/01/2024 | RESULT NOTIFICATION
Result(Medical Officer(AYUSH))
Result(Senior Medical Officer(AYUSH))
Result (Junior Medical Record Officer (Receptionist))
Result (Medical Record Technician & Coding clerk)
118 | Advertisement for Web Site Programmer and Content Developer on purely contractual basis for an Extramural
Project. | 05-02-2023 | 25-02-2023 | Application Form | | Result |
119 | Advertisement and application form for the post of Research Assistant in the extramural project titled: “Fever, hyperglycaemia, swallowing and hypertension management in acute stroke: Stepped Wedge Cluster Randomized Trail with Cross-sectional Data Collection (Indian Quality Improvement in Stroke Care Study)” in the dept. of Neurology. | 02-02-2023 | 10-02-2023 | Application Form | | |
120 | Senior Resident (Non-Academic) || Advt No. 2023/081 on tenure basis | 23-01-2023 | 22-02-2023 | http://resident-rect.aiimsrishikesh.in/ | Written Test and Interview for the post of Senior Resident (Non-Academic). | Result |
121 | Recruitment Advertisement for Extramural Project Title “Health Technology Assessment” | 19-01-2023 | 02-02-2023 | | | |
122 | Advertisement for the post on purely temporary/ project duration based in the Extramural Research Project. | 18-01-2023 | 10-02-2023 | Application Form | | Result |
Interview Notice 3rd May 2023
Interview Notice
Interview Notice (Department wise) | Result
Revised result || Faculty Post ||Advt. No. 2023/082 |
OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY ON CONTRACTUAL BASIS IN AIIMS RISHIKESH | 17-01-2023 | 16-02-2023 | Application Form | Reopen Notice | |
125 | Recruitment Advertisement on purely contractual basis for Extramural Project Title “COVID 19 Vaccination in Pregnancy: The COVIP Study” | 13-01-2023 | 19-01-2023 | | | Result |
127 | Advertisement for post on purely contractual basis in the Extramural/Intramural Research Project
“Screening of Thalassemia & other Hemoglobinopathies among unmarried youths of Jaunsar, Bawar region of Uttarakhand: A pilot study funded by _UCOST | 30-12-2022 | 30-01-2023 | Application form | | |
128 | Advertisement for Project Assistant Post on purely contractual basis for an Extramural Research Project. | 27-12-2022 | 10-01-2023 | Application form | | Result |
129 | Recruitment Advertisement for Extramural Project Title – Situational Analysis of Health Care facility and Community Preparedness for implementing Government of India Guidelines for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (An ICMR Taskforce Study) | 17-12-2022 | 10-01-2023 | | | Result |
130 | Group A post on deputation post | 14-11-2022 | 29-12-2022 | Application link | | Result |
131 | Recruitment Advertisement for Extramural Project entitled "A comparative study of drug resistance in bacterial isolates from environmental sources & patients with special reference to Critical Care Unit at AIIMS Rishikesh", a research project under joint collaboration of AIIMS Rishikesh and UCOST. | 07-11-2022 | 15-11-2022 | Application Form | | Result
Result of the waitlisted candidate |
133 | Advertisement for various post on purely contractual basis in the Extramural Research Project | 28-10-2022 | 05-11-2022 | Application Form | | Result |
134 | Recruitment Advertisement for Extramural Project Title “A Diagnostic Decision Support Tool for
Early Detection and Management of COVID–19 infection” | 13-10-2022 | 21-10-2022 | https://forms.gle/rmwacnX5tfpRid7H8 | | Result |
135 | Advertisement for Recruitment Of Project Positions For Viral Research And Diagnostics Laboratory (Vrdl), All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, Rishikesh | 27-09-2022 | 11-10-2022 | Application Form | List of eligible candidates
Corrigendum 29.10.2022 | Result |
136 | Recruitment Advertisement for Extramural Project Title “Health Technology Assessment” | 22-09-2022 | 10-10-2022 | | | |
137 | Advertisement for Group A posts on deputation basis | 16-09-2022 | 31-10-2022 | Application link | | Result |
138 | Recruitment to the posts of Tutor/Clinical Instructor (Nursing) on Direct Recruitment Basis in
College of Nursing, AIIMS, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand. | 01-09-2022 | 15-10-2022 | Application link | Screening Examination Notice
Examination notice 11-01-2023
Amended Examination Notice 14-01-2023
Link for admit card download
Link for practice test
Score Card
TUTOR / CLINICAL INSTRUCTOR (NURSING) || WAITING LIST 26/12/2023 | Notification of Interview & Screening Examination result
Interview Result |
139 | Recruitment Advertisement for Extramural Project Title “To design a dynamic internal implant with
magnetic properties for nonunion of long bones” | 22-08-2022 | 29-08-2022 | | | |
140 | Recruitment for the post of Tutor/Demonstrator on tenure basis in All India Institute of Medical Sciences,
Rishikesh, Uttarakhand. | 13-08-2022 | 12-09-2022 | Application Form | Recruitment Notice | Result |
141 | NORCET 2022 | 04-08-2022 | 21-08-2022 | | Verification Notice 4th of November 2022 | Seat allotment Result
Original Document Verification
Document Verification (NORCET2022)–2nd Round of Seat allocation   |
142 | Recruitment Advertisement for post of Project Technical Officer in the Extramural Project Titled " Temporal association of sleep apnea and insomnia in COVID-19 survivors; A prospective multicenter study" at AIIMS Rishikesh | 30-07-2022 | 18-08-2022 | Application Form | Notice | Result |
143 | Recruitment Advertisement for Extramural Project Title "Screening of breast cancer & Health Education" | 19-07-2022 | 29-07-2022 | Application form | | |
144 | Recruitment Advertisement for Extramural Project Title- Situational Analysis of Health Care facility and Community Preparedness for implementing Government of India Guidelines for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. (An ICMR Taskforce study) | 12-07-2022 | 14-07-2022 | | | Result |
145 | Recruitment Advertisement for Extramural Project Title "A Pilot study for identification of molecular biomarkers of cancer related inflammation in gallbladder in Uttrakhand Region" at dept. of Biochemistry , AIIMS Rishikesh | 12-07-2022 | 23-07-2022 | | | |
146 | Recruitment Advertisement for Extramural Project Title "To design a dynamic internal implant with magnetic properties for nonunion of long bones" at Dept. of Orthopedics, AIIMS Rishikesh | 05-07-2022 | 15-07-2022 | | Notice | |
147 | Advertisement for post of Data Entry Operator in the Extramural Research Project "A Prospective study assessing functional capacity to predict 90 day mortality &/or morbidity after majeor nn cardiac surgery in a cohort of hilly population of Uttarakhand" funded by UCOST at dept of Pulmonary Medicine AIIMS Rishikesh | 28-06-2022 | 08-07-2022 | Application Form | Provisional List of Eligible candidates for interview
Interview schedule | List of selected candidate |
148 | Recruitment for the post of Senior Resident (Non-Academic) on tenure basis in All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Rishikesh, Uttrakhand | 18-06-2022 | 15-07-2022 | Application LInk | Addendum/Corrigendum
Written Test & Interview Notice
| Result
Result 29th of Aug 2022 |
149 | Recruitment for the Extramural Project, "Feasibility and acceptability of continuous glucose monitoring system in comparison to glucometer based approach in diabetic patients on insulin therapy in hilly areas of Uttrakhand state" | 17-06-2022 | 20-06-2022 | Application form | | Result |
150 | Advertisement for recruitment under Extramural Project Title "End Line compliance survey of COPTA 2003 under National Tobacco Control Program in Dehradun district of Uttrakhand in 2022: A Cross Sectional Study" | 11-06-2022 | 17-06-2022 | Application Form | Interview notification
List of shortlisted candidates | Result |
151 | Vacancy Notice for Perfusionist on Contractual basis at AIIMS Rishikesh
| 09-06-2022 | 08-07-2022 | Application Form Annexure B | Annexure A (Terms and Conditions) | |
152 | Recruitment advertisement for Extramural Research Project title "Perioperative respiratory care and outcomes for patients Undergoing high risk abdominal surgery: A 2×2 factorial, international pragmatic randomised trial (PENGUIN Trial)" | 27-05-2022 | 31-05-2022 | Application form | | |
153 | RECOVERY Trial: Randomised Evaluation of COVID-19 Therapy | 09-05-2022 | 12-05-2022 | Application From | | Result |
154 | Advertisement for Resident Medical Officer/ Research Assistant for an Extramural Project in Dept. of Burn and Plastic Surgery at AIIMS Rishikesh | 06-05-2022 | 10-05-2022 | Application Form | List of candidates for Interview | Result |
155 | Recruitment for the Extramural Project, “ Feasibility and acceptability of continuous glucose monitoring system in comparison to glucometer based approach in diabetic patients on insulin therapy in hilly areas ofUttarakhand state” at Department of Medicine AIIMS Rishikesh | 27-04-2022 | 01-05-2022 | Application form | | Result |
156 | Advertisement for Data Entry operator post on purely contractual basis in the Extramural Research Project "Uttarakhand Deaf-Mutism Registry with Multi-Centric-Descriptive-Exploratory Study to find out pre, peri- and post-natal risk factors and causes of delay in treatment of deafmutism in patients visiting tertiary care centres of Uttrakhand" | 19-04-2022 | 19-05-2022 | Application form | | Result |
157 | Advertisement for admission in Ph.D Programme 2022 at Dept. of Biochemistry AIIMS Rishikesh | 13-04-2022 | 13-05-2022 | Application form | | |
158 | Advertisement Notice for PhD 2022 at Biochemistry Dept. at AIIMS Rishikesh | 01-04-2022 | 01-05-2022 | Application form | | |
159 | Recruitment for Extramural Project Title "Effect of Outreach Telehealth Intervention on Diabetes and Hypertension in Rural population during COVID-19 pandemic in Selected villages of Pauri Garhwal, Uttrakhand" | 01-04-2022 | 10-04-2022 | | Interview Notice | Result |
160 | Recruitment Advertisement for Extramural Project Title "Doorstep Primary Health Care Model"
| 01-04-2022 | 10-04-2022 | | List of Shortlisted candidates
Notice | Final Result |
161 | Advertisement for the Post of Medical Physicist on contractual basis at AIIMS Rishikesh | 16-03-2022 | 05-04-2022 | Application form | | Result |
162 | Recruitment Advertisement for Extramural Project Title "Network of Oncology Clinical Trials India (NOCI) funded by BIRAC, DBT, Government of India" at Department of Medical Oncology Haematology AIIMS Rishikesh | 02-03-2022 | 15-03-2022 | Application Form | | Result |
163 | Recruitment for the Posts of Faculty (Group A) in various department on Direct Recruitment/Deputation/Contractual basis at AIIMS Rishikesh | 15-02-2022 | 15-05-2022 | Application Link | Notice for extension
Interview notice
Notice for Postponed of Interview for the Faculty Posts (Group A) at AIIMS Rishikesh
Document Verification followed by Interview is scheduled (Phase – II)
Interview for faculty post is scheduled on 29th and 30th Aug 2022 | Result
Faculty Waitleisted Result 21st of June 2023 |
164 | Online applications are invited from suitable candidate for filling up following Group "A" posts on Deputation basis in AIIMS, Rishikesh | 15-02-2022 | 31-03-2022 | Application Link | Notice of cancellation of some posts | |
165 | Recruitment Advertisement for Extramural Research Project To assess understanding among attendees of webinars and perception about among key decision makers from professional bodies.- "Healthy Food for All" | 10-02-2022 | 15-02-2022 | | | Result |
166 | Recruitment Advertisement for Extramural Project "WHO Solidarity Trial Plus for COVID-19: ICMR-WHO Implementation in India for the International Randomized Trial of Additional treatments for COVID-19 in Hospitalized Patients who are receiving the Local Standard of Care" on a temporary basis at AIIMS Rishikesh | 04-02-2022 | 08-02-2022 | Application Form | | Final Result |
167 | Recruitment for Extramural Project, "Feasibility and acceptability of continous glucose monitoring system in comparison to glucometer based approach in diabetic patients on insulin therapy in hilly areas of Uttrakhand state." at dept of Medicine AIIMS, Rishikesh | 31-01-2022 | 10-02-2022 | Application form | | Result |
168 | Advertisement for the Extramural Project, "Innovative technique to cure diabetes: encapsulated human islet implantation" at dept of Medicine AIIMS Rishikesh | 27-01-2022 | 10-02-2022 | Application form | | Result |
169 | Advertisement for Laboratory Assistant cum Data Entry operator for MRU, AIIMS Rishikesh | 24-01-2022 | 31-01-2022 | | Notice
Eligibility List
Eligibility list for the final interview
Eligibility list for Interview
| Result |
170 | Recruitment for post of Senior Resident (Non-Academic) on tenure basis at AIIMS Rishikesh, Uttrakhand | 22-01-2022 | 22-02-2022 | Application Link | Notice | Result
Result |
171 | Advertisement for Residential Medical Officer/Research Assistant on purely contractual basis for Sponsored Research Project- A randomized- controlled, open label, two arm post market suveillance and clinical study to evaluate safety and efficiency of a new antimicrobial wound dressing (VELVET) in infected ulcers compared to the standard dressing. (SD) at Dept of Burn and Plastic AIIMS Rishikesh | 18-01-2022 | 31-01-2022 | Application Form | Notice regarding the list of Eligible candidates | Result |
172 | Advertisement for post of Senior Research Fellow & Project Technician-III in the Extramural Research Project "ICMR’s Network of Pulmonary Fibrosis" funded by Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) at dept of Pulmonary Medicine AIIMS Rishikesh | 05-01-2022 | 12-01-2022 | Application form | Interview Schedule | Result |
173 | Recruitment for the posts of Junior Resident (Non-Academic) on Ad-hoc basis for 89 days at AIIMS Rishikesh | 23-12-2021 | 07-01-2022 | Application form | Corrigendum | Result |
174 | Recruitment for the post of Senior Resident (Non-Academic) on Ad-hoc basis for 89 days in AIIMS Rishikesh | 23-12-2021 | 07-01-2022 | Application form | Corrigendum | Result |
175 | Advertisement for post on purely contractual basis in the Extramural/Intramural Research Project "Screening of Thalassemia & other Hemoglobinopathies among unmarried youths of Jaunsar, Bawar region of Uttrakhand: A pilot study funded by UCOST under Dr. Harish Chandra at AIIMS Rishikesh | 21-12-2021 | 30-01-2022 | Application form | | |
176 | Advertisement for post of Research Assistant and Data Entry Operator in Extramural Project titled "IMPETUS: Implementation of an Evalustion and Treatment Package for Uniform Stroke Care and outcomes in the Medical Colleges" at dept of Neurology AIIMS Rishikesh | 10-12-2021 | 20-12-2021 | Application form | | |
177 | Advertisement for recruitment for Extramural Project Title "Effect of Outreach Telehealth Intervention on Diabetes and Hypertension in Rural population during COVID-19 pandemic in Selected villages of Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand" at AIIMS Rishikesh | 24-11-2021 | 11-12-2021 | Application form | Corrigendum
latest Corrigendum
Notice regarding Interview | Final Result |
178 | Advertisement for post of Research Assistant in the Extramural Reserch Project Effectiveness of peer-led versus teacher-led interventions on sleep quality and psychophysiological markers among school-going adolescents in Garhwal division of Uttrakhand: A randommized control trial funded by ICMR. | 23-11-2021 | 02-12-2021 | Application form | Notice regarding the shortlisted candidates
Notice | Result |
179 | Advertisement for various post on purely contractual basis in the Extramural/Intramural Research Project funded by Uttarakhand State Council for Science and Technology Uttrakhand (UCOST) at AIIMS Rishikesh | 22-11-2021 | 25-11-2021 | Application form | | |
180 | Advertisement for Manpower on contractual basis in Extramural Project Title "Doorstep Primary Health Care Model" under joint collaboration between AIIMS Rishikesh and SEWA-THDC in Hilly areas of Tehri Garhwal Uttarakhand. | 18-11-2021 | 01-12-2021 | Application form | Notice regarding shortlist of candidates for interview
List of candidates shortlisted for post of Research Associate
List of candidates shortlisted for post of Driver
List of candidates shortlisted for post of Nursing Officer
List of candidates shortlisted for post of MSW | Result |
181 | Advertisement for the post of Research staff (Psychologist/MSW) on purely contractual basis in the Extramural Research Project "Women’s Health and Domestic Violence Against Women during COVID-19 Pandemic in India" funded by "WHO CCR in Human Reproduction, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, AIIMS New Delhi in collaboration with WHO SEARO".
| 16-11-2021 | 27-11-2021 | Application form | | |
182 | Advertisement for various post on purely contractual basis in the Extramural/Intramural Research Project "Efficacy of Yoga-Nidra as Adjuvant Treatment in Patients with New-Onset Anxiety Disorders during COVID-19 Pandemic- A Pilot Study " funded by DST SATYAM KIRAN at AIIMS Rishikesh | 29-10-2021 | 10-11-2021 | Application form | Notice for shortlisted candidates | Result |
183 | Advertisement for the post of Research coordinator and Patient Navigator posts on purely contractual basis in the Extramural research Project titled "A randomized controlled trial of cancer survivor as patient navigator in locally advanced head and neck carcinoma patients receiving radical chemoradiation" funded by Coquer Cancer Foundation at Dept of Radiation Oncology AIIMS Rishikesh. | 27-10-2021 | 10-11-2021 | Application form | | |
184 | Staff Recruitment for Multidisciplinary Research Unit (MRU), All India Institute of Medical Sciences , Rishikesh | 27-10-2021 | 21-11-2021 | Application form | Provisional list of eligible candidates for interview | Result |
185 | Advertisement for posts of Research Associate and Field Worker in the Extramural Research Project "Standardizing data collection and cervical cancer screening protocols to improve facility preparedness and capacity building for cervical cancer elimination" funded by "WHO CCR in Human Reproduction, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, AIIMS New Delhi in collaboration with WHO SEARO" | 25-10-2021 | 06-11-2021 | Application form | | |
186 | Advertisement of NORCET 2021 for recruitment of Nursing Officer . | 16-10-2021 | 30-10-2021 | | 1 Vacant Seat position aiims wise
2 Cuttoff rank aiims wise
3 Result aiims allocation
4 Result NORCET 2021
5 Notice of extension to upload Documents
6 Notice for candidates for extension to fill aiims choice
7 Notice for candidate for choices
8 Seat allocation for rishikesh
9 Seat allocation for AIIMS
10 Notice of Original Document Verification for NORCET 2021
11 Original Document Verification- OPTION 2
12. Verification Notice 4th of November 2022 | |
187 | Advertisement for Ph.D. course 2021 at Dept of Biochemistry at AIIMS Rishikesh
| 27-09-2021 | 29-11-2021 | Application form | Important Notice
Notice | |
188 | Applications are invited for post of Research Associate for Extramural Research Project "Capacity building through HRRC’s and teaching institutes to operationalize government guidelines for screening of common cancers (oral, breast and cervical) – ICMR Task Force Study" on a purely contractual basis at the Department of Gynaecology AIIMS Rishikesh. | 24-09-2021 | 04-10-2021 | Application form | | |
189 | Walk-In-Inteview for Multiple vacancies on purely contractual basis at Addiction Treatment Facility (ATF), AIIMS Rishikesh under the National Action Plan for Drug Demand Reduction (NAPDDR) with support from Ministry of Social Justice and empowerment (MoSJE), Govt. of India and nationally coordinated by NDDTC, AIIMS Delhi. | 26-08-2021 | 05-09-2021 | | Notice
Interview Schedule | |
190 | Walk In Interview for multiple posts on Temporary contractual basis in a research project "Collaborative Centre for Mind Body Intervention through Yoga" at AIIMS Rishikesh. | 25-08-2021 | 25-08-2021 | | Corrigendum | |
191 | Advertisement for post on purely contractual basis in Extramural/Intramural Research Project "Screening of Thalassemia & other Hemoglobinopathies among unmarried youths of jaunsar, Barwar region of Uttrakhand: A pilot study funded by UCOST at dept of Pathology AIIMS, Rishikesh | 17-08-2021 | 17-09-2021 | Application form | | |
192 | Advertisement for various post on purely contractual basis in the Extramural Research Project Network of Oncology Clinical Trials India (NOCI) funded by BIRAC, DBT, Government of India | 17-08-2021 | 31-08-2021 | Application link | | |
193 | Advertisement for the posts of Tutor/Clinical Instructor (Nursing) on Tenure basis in College of Nursing, AIIMS, Rishikesh Uttrakhand | 16-08-2021 | 15-09-2021 | Application Link | Notice
Addendum | Result |
194 | Recruitment for the post of Senior Resident (Non-Academic) on tenure basis in All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand. | 09-08-2021 | 28-09-2021 | Application form | Notice
Eligibility Notice
Corrigendum | Result |
195 | Advertisement for Data Entry Operator (DEO) post on purely contractual basis in Extramural Research Project "Uttrakhand ILD Registry (UKIR)" at Dept of Pulmonary AIIMS Rishikesh, funded by Uttrakhand Council of Science and Technology. | 07-08-2021 | 14-08-2021 | Application form | Interview Schedule | Result |
196 | Advertisement for SC/ST Faculty Posts (Group-A) on Direct Recruitment/Deputation/Contractual basis at AIIMS, Rishikesh | 26-07-2021 | 09-09-2021 | 1 Application Link | 1 Withdrawal Notice for previous Advertisement
2 Notice
3 Reopening Notice
4 Cancellation Notice | |
197 | Advertisement for Faculty Posts (Group-A) on Direct Recruuitment/Deputation/Contractual basis at AIIMS, Rishikesh | 26-07-2021 | 09-09-2021 | 1 Application Link | 1 Notice
2 Reopening Notice
3 Cancellation Notice | |
198 | Advertisement for multiple vacancy on Deputation basis for Group A posts at AIIMS Rishikesh | 07-07-2021 | 21-09-2021 | Application form | 1 Notice | |
199 | Advertisement for short term Employment notice/Walk-in -Interviews for DRDO-AIIMS Rishikesh Hospital for Six Months | 30-06-2021 | 30-12-2021 | | Notice | |
200 | Advertisement for Study Co-ordinator cum data manager under project "Health care worker case control study-WHO Unity Trail" at AIIMS Rishikesh | 11-06-2021 | 16-06-2021 | | | |
201 | Advertisement for manpower for Urban Primary Health Centre (UPHC) on purely contractual basis set up under joint collaboration of AIIMS Rishikesh and National Health Mission, Govt of Uttrakhand in urban areas of Rishikesh | 10-06-2021 | 21-06-2021 | | Notice for last date extension | Result |
202 | Advertisement for various post on a purely contractual basis in the Extramural/Intramural Research Project- Effect of yoga on immunity in doctors during COVID 19 Pandemic- A Pilot Study funded by DST SATYAM KIRAN Division | 03-06-2021 | 15-06-2021 | Application Proforma | | |
203 | Advertisement for the post of Senior Medical Officer(AYUSH), Medical Officer (AYUSH), Junior Medical Record Officer (Receptionist), Social Worker, Coding Clerk at AIIMS Rishikesh | 19-05-2021 | 18-06-2021 | Application Link | Corrigendum for post of junior medical record officer
Waiting List Medical Officer (AYUSH) 18/1/2024
| |
204 | Advertisement for posts of Maternity and Child Welfare Officer, Medical Record Officer, Medical
Record Technician in All India Institute of Medical Sciences Rishikesh on Direct Recruitment Basis. | 19-05-2021 | 18-06-2021 | Application Link | | |
205 | Advertisement for Recruitment of Manpower on Contractual basis for Urban Primary Health Center (UPHC) to be set up under joint collabortion by AIIMS Rishikesh & Govt of Uttrakhand (NHM) | 01-04-2021 | 08-04-2021 | | | |
206 | Advertisement for Recruitment for post of Professor cum Principal, College of Nursing at AIIMS, Rishikesh on Direct Recruitment Basis | 27-03-2021 | 17-05-2021 | Application Link | Interview Notice | Result |
207 | Advertisement for various post on purely contractual basis in the Extramural Research Project Network of Oncology Clinical Trials India (NOCI) funded by BIRAC, DBT, Government of India | 23-03-2021 | 31-03-2021 | Application link | | |
208 | Advertisement for various posts in Group A on deputation basis at AIIMS Rishikesh | 20-03-2021 | 30-04-2021 | Application link | Corrigendum/Addendum for the addition of post of Assistant Controller of Examination | |
209 | Advertisement for various posts on purely conctratual basis for Extramural/Intramural Project " Comparison between wake time, day time sleepiness and obesity. among adolescents following structured sleep schedule vs. at will sleep schedule" funded by Uttrakhand State Council of Science and Technology UCOST at Dept of Physciatry AIIMS Rishikesh | 08-03-2021 | 18-03-2021 | Application form | | |
210 | Advertisement for staff for extramural project "Evalustion of TEWL in Diabetic Patients as Predictor of Occurance of Diabetic Foot Ulcers" at Department of Burns & Plastic Surgery, AIIMS Rishikesh | 04-03-2021 | 20-03-2021 | Application form | Notice for Interview | Result |
211 | Advertisement for various posts on purely contractual basis under the Extramural Research Project " A Study to Evaluate the potential of clinical utilization of novel Thermal Imaging and thermal /Radiosiotope dual Imaging in various clinical conditions: Setting up of Thermal /Radiosiotope dual Imaging nodal Centre (TRINC) " funded by "Uttrakhand Council of Science and Technology" under Principal Investigator Dr. Vandana Dhingra at Dept. of Nuclear Medicine, AIIMS, Rishikesh | 01-03-2021 | 15-03-2021 | | | |
212 | Recruitment for the post of Senior Resident (Non-Academic) on tenure basis in All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Rishikesh, Uttrakhand | 27-02-2021 | 26-03-2021 | Application Link | | |
213 | Advertisement for various post on purely contractual basis in the Extramural Research Project titled " Hospital Based Sentinel Surveillance for S. pneumonia and other Invasive Bacterial Disease (HBSSPIBD)" funded by ICMR & UNDP. | 17-02-2021 | 03-03-2021 | Application form | | |
214 | Advertisement for Post of Research Nurse on purely contractual basis in the Extramural Research Projects/clinincal trials funded by NIHR Global Health Research Unit on Global Surgery at AIIMS Rishikesh | 13-02-2021 | 28-02-2021 | | | Result of the Interview |
215 | Advertisement for various post on purely contractual basis in the Extramural/Intramural Research Project "MANAS-UTKALAN" funded by (NHM) Uttarakhand at Dept. of Psychiatry AIIMS Rishikesh | 10-02-2021 | 14-02-2021 | Application form | | |
216 | Advertisement for the Post of JRF at Dept. of Microbiology, AIIMS Rishikesh | 06-02-2021 | 15-02-2021 | | | |
217 | Advertisement for various post on purely contractual basis in the Extramural Research Project funded by DST-SATYAM | 04-02-2021 | 20-02-2021 | | | |
218 | Recruitment of Manpower for Urban Primary Health Centre (UPHC) in urban area of Rishikesh on Contractual Basis | 01-02-2021 | 08-02-2021 | | 1 Notice for postponement of Interview
2 List of shortlishted candidates for Interview
3 Screening criteria for shortlisted candidates
4 Notice Regarding result of Selected Candidates | 1 Medical Officer final result
2 Staff Nurse final result
3 ANM final result
4 Lab Technician final result
5 Attendant final result
219 | Advertisement for Research Assistant for the Extramural Project titled "Generic architecture of Parkinson’s disease in India"(Under the Fox Genetic Diversity in Parkinson’s disease (PD) program) on Contractual basis , at AIIMS, Rishikesh | 07-01-2021 | 15-01-2021 | | | |
220 | Advertisement for Study Co-ordinator cum data manager and Laboratory Technician under project "Health care worker case control study-WHO Unity Trail" | 04-01-2021 | 14-01-2021 | Application form | | |
221 | Advertisement for staff for ICMR sponsored Extramural Project- Population based cancer registry for urban population of Haridwar and Rishikesh at AIIMS, Rishikesh | 02-12-2020 | 19-12-2020 | | | Result |
222 | Advertisement for the post of Tutor/Clinical Instructor on tenure basis in College of Nursing, AIIMS, Rishikesh | 12-11-2020 | 10-12-2020 | 1 application link | 1 Corrigendum
2 Notice for Reopening
3 Notice for Screening Examination
4 Notice of Shortlisted Candidates for interview | Result |
223 | Advertisement for Research Associate for Extramural Project of Capacity building through HRRCs and teaching institutes to operationalize government guidelines for screening of common cancers (oral, breast and cervical) on Contractual basis at AIIMS, Rishikesh | 11-11-2020 | 26-11-2020 | | | |
224 | Advertisement for various posts on Contractual basis for Extramural research projects ACF-TB project 2020 at AIIMS Rishikesh | 21-10-2020 | 26-10-2020 | | 1 Interview Notification | 1 Result |
225 | Recruitment for Various Posts of Group A on Deputation Basis at AIIMS, Rishikesh | 08-10-2020 | 30-11-2020 | 1 application link | | |
226 | Advertisement for Faculty Posts (GROUP A) on Contractual Basis at AIIMS, Rishikesh | 25-09-2020 | 01-10-2020 | 1 Applicatiion form | 1 Notice for rescheduling of Interview | |
227 | Pharmacovigilance Associate for Department of Pharmacology, AIIMS, Rishikesh | 25-09-2020 | 10-10-2020 | | 1 Notice of Cancellation | |
228 | Re-opening of Engineering Posts on direct recruitment basis at AIIMS, Rishikesh | 15-09-2020 | 17-10-2020 | 1 application link | | |
229 | Research Assistant for the project of HTA of National Stroke Care Registry Program Development of Hospital Based Stroke Registries for different regions of India at AIIMS, Rishikesh | 08-09-2020 | 19-09-2020 | | | |
230 | JRF for project on High altitude adaptation in Bhotias of Uttarakhand – A pilot study, at AIIMS, Rishikesh | 08-09-2020 | 30-09-2020 | | 1 Notice for Postponement of interview | |
232 | Reopening of advertisement for posts of Warden (Hostel Warden) & Junior Warden (House Keepers) at AIIMS, Rishikesh | 29-08-2020 | 28-09-2020 | 1 application link | | |
233 | Reopening of Advertisement for the post of Assistant Nursing Superintendent at AIIMS, Rishikesh | 29-08-2020 | 31-01-2021 | 1 application link | 1 notice for last date extension
2 Addendum for ANS exam
Corrigendum 6/11/2023 | |
234 | Post of Counsellor on Contractual basis for Project “Drug Treatment Centre Under Durg De-addiction Program†funded by MoHFW, Government of India at AIIMS, Rishikesh | 28-08-2020 | 07-09-2020 | | | |
235 | Regarding vacancy notice JRF/SRF in Cardiology Department AIIMS Rishikesh | 08-08-2020 | 15-08-2020 | | | |
236 | Advertisement for Nursing Officer Recruitment Common Eligibility Test (NORCET) 2020 for the recruitment of Nursing Officer in AIIMS New Delhi and all New AIIMS | 05-08-2020 | 18-08-2020 | | Notice for Document/Eligibility Verification
Document Verification Notice-Round II seat allocation | Result NORCET 2020
Announcement of Online Seat Allocation |
237 | Re opening of notice of Advertisement for the post of Deputy Medical Superintendent | 01-08-2020 | 16-09-2020 | 1 Application link | | |
238 | Re-opening Notice for the post of Medico Social Worker on Direct recruitment basis at AIIMS Rishikesh | 01-08-2020 | 16-09-2020 | 1 Application link | | |
239 | Re-opening Notice for the post of Chief Cashier on Direct recruitment basis at AIIMS Rishikesh | 01-08-2020 | 16-09-2020 | 1 Application link | Notice of offline OMR based exam
Corrigendum regarding change of mode of Examination for the post of Chief Cashier
Notice of postponement of CBT test in wake of pandemic | |
240 | Advertisement for the Post of Assistant Administrative Officer of AllMS, Rishikesh. | 01-08-2020 | 16-09-2020 | 1 Application link | 1 Re-Open Notice | |
241 | Recruitment for the post of Senior Resident on tenure basis in Various Departments of AIIMS, Rishikesh | 30-06-2020 | 17-07-2020 | 1 Registration Link | 1 Corrigendum
2 Interview notice
3 Notice for Interview
4 latest notice for interview | |
242 | Recruitment for faculty post (Group-A) at AIIMS Rishikesh on Direct Recruitment/Deputation/Contractual Basis | 26-05-2020 | 25-06-2020 | 1 Registration Link | 1 Notice for NEFT Payment
2 notice of cancellation | |
243 | Application for faculty post (Group A) on direct recruitment/contractual/deputation basis at AIIMS Rishikesh (SRD) | 15-04-2020 | 31-07-2020 | 1 Registration link | 1 notice of cancellation | |
244 | Advertisement for Group A posts on deputation basis in AIIMS Rishikesh | 29-02-2020 | 30-04-2020 | 1 Registration Link | 1 Application date extension notice | |
245 | Faculty Advertisement for AIIMS Vijaypur (Jammu) | 29-02-2020 | 30-04-2020 | 1 Registration Link | 1 Notice for NEFT Payment
2 schedule for online interview
3 Notice for Deferrment of Online interview
4 Application date extension notice
5 Notice for cancellation | |
246 | Recruitment for the post of Nursing Officer (Staff Nurse Grade-II) on Direct Recruitment Basis | 09-11-2019 | 24-12-2019 | 1 Registration Link
2 Login Link | 1 Corrigendum
2 Examination Notice
3 Nursing Officer Admit Card
4 Notice for eligibility/biometric verification & skill test
5 Notice for Skill Test – Step B
6 Notice reg. Postponement of Skill Test
7 Notice regarding skill test- Step B
8 Notice regarding rescheduling of skill test – Step B
9 Skill Test Step-b notice
10 Candidature cancellation Notice | 1 Result
2 Offer of Appointment
3 skill test result |
247 | Advertisement for Faculty Post on Direct Recruitment / Deputation / Contractual Basis | 14-09-2019 | 31-12-2019 | 1 Application Link | 1 Notice regarding extension for filling online application
2 Notice regarding document verification & interview
| 1 Result |
248 | RECRUITMENT NOTIFICATION FOR AIIMS, VIJAYPUR (JAMMU) | 31-08-2019 | 15-11-2019 | | 1 Application Link
2Notice regarding extension of last date to fill online form
3 Corrigendum
4 Notice for cancellation | |
249 | | 31-08-2019 | 08-04-2021 | | | |
250 | Advertsement for Public Health Nurse & Librarian Grade III on Direct Recruitment basis | 21-04-2018 | 11-06-2018 | | Cancellation Notice | |