Mission: – Render high quality nursing care in a cost effective manner with integration of evidence based practice and constant skill and knowledge updation.
Vision: – To Provide nursing care that meets the international standards To Pioneer the extended and expanded roles of nurses in India
Future plan: –
- Ensure Participation of Nurses in Policy making. Nursing is an integral part of Hospital system as it is Nurses who directly provide care to patients. Distribution and Representation of Nursing Officers in various hospital committees is negligible. The Department of nursing services focuses on better representation in different policy making bodies within the hospital.
- Competency upgradation Nurses of AIIMS Rishikesh will complete all the following skill trainings as per Instructions of Hon’ble Director & CEO AIIMS, Rishikesh
- ATCN (Advanced Trauma Care for Nurses)
- Basic Life Support
- Basic Airway Course
- Biomedical Waste Management.
- Evidence Based Medicine(EBM)
- Fire Safety
- Hand Hygiene.
- Medical Photography
- Occupational Hazards Prevention and Management
- Vaccination for Hepatitis B and Tetanus
- Vaccination for HPV (for Females)
- Soft Skill course
- Simulation Course
- How to Present Power Point?
- How to Write Research Paper?
- Capacity Enhancement Training
- Basic Critical Care Training for Nurses
- Specialty Nursing Cadres AIIMS-Rishikesh wish to have specializations in different disciplines like Diabetes Educator, Nurse Counsellor, Transplant coordinator, Transplant nurse, Palliative care nurse, Emergency Nurse Coordinator, Wound care Nurse, Infusion Nurse Expert, Community health Nurse, Mental Health Nurse etc.
Nursing Services
- Nurse Lead Initiatives in AIIMS, Rishikesh.
Nursing is most important department of Comprehensive patient care from admission up to discharge. Enlisted here are few areas where Department of Nursing services play vital roles.- Interdisciplinary approach in Patient care. Nurses in AIIMS-Rishikesh work in hand in hand with other disciplines in comprehensive care. Across the lines of disciplines, above as well as below in hierarchy. We have an uprising number of operative procedures where Nursing personnel not only taking part as theatre nurse, but also manages the equipment and assist in providing anesthesia. We had a record number of Dialysis in AIIMS-Rishikesh, by the Department of Medicine where, Nurses actively work as Providers of Nursing Care and as Dialysis Technicians. Nurses in AIIMS- Rishikesh close gaps of Junior & Senior Residents in many areas under guidance of Consultants.
- Multidisciplinary approach in Data management. Nurse first handily deal patients data as well as hospital data. Nursing Officers act responsibly to prepare, maintain, and store data in hard copy as well as in the Hospital Information System, in coordination with MRD and Hospital information system. Evening and night supervisors compile patient census and submit hard and soft copy to nursing service office for further process.
- Multidisciplinary approach in Quality control: Nurses work under the guidance of Dean Hospital Affairs to assess, plan, and implement evidence based practices in AIIMS-Rishikesh. Senior nursing Officer, (Quality) collects and analyses data of quality indicators in collaboration with Team Quality.
- Multidisciplinary approach in Store management. Central store is getting ready under great vision of Hon’ble Director. Nurses bridge the gap by directly taking part in procurement, quality check and maintenance. Senior Nursing Officers take the responsibility of ensuring continuous flow of resources in collaboration with various departmental HODs.
- Hospital Information System: Department of nursing service in association with IT department trains nursing officers to deal with E- Hospital. Nursing Officers are successfully managing admissions, discharges, entry of investigations, and billing.
- Infection Control: AIIMS –Rishikesh has Seven Infection Control Nurses who work under the Guidance of Hospital Infection Control Officer.
- Nurse Lead Initiatives in AIIMS, Rishikesh.
- Major Activities undertaken by Hospital Infection Control Nursing Officers are:
- Hand Hygiene Audit
- BMW segregation audits
- HAI Surveillance (Health cause Associated)
- BSI (Blood Stream Infection)
- UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)
- VAE (Venti Associated Events)
- SSI (Surgical Site Infection)
- Outbreak Investigation
- Occupational Safety
- Needle (Sharp) Stick Injury management following Blood and body fluid Exposure
- Hepatitis B vaccination of Health care professionals
- Training of Health care professionals
- Need based
- Induction training with support of Medical Education Department, and Training Division of Nursing Services.
Two Nursing Officers, working as RBSK coordinators. They are responsible for Coordination between district early intervention center (DEIC) & AIIMS Rishikesh, Receiving patients from DEIC.Ensuring for free registration. Assisting patients for OPD & Lab investigations.
Coordination between patients & respective department from admission till discharge. - CONTINUING NURSING EDUCATION:
Every week, each nursing officer undergoes education and training within the department. Centre for professional development also organizes training programme for Nurses along with training division of Nursing service. Two Senior Nursing Officers are Working as Medical Education Cell Coordinator. - COMMUNITY OUTREACH PROGRAMMES:
Nursing Officers take part in outreach programmes including health camps and voluntary Blood donation camps in rural areas in collaboration with department of community medicine and department of transfusion medicine. - OPD &DAY CARE MANAGEMENT.
AIIMS-Rishikesh is witnessing record high in OPD census as well as Day care procedures. More than five thousand new-borns and infants were vaccinated within years by our nursing officers.
Nursing Officers are actively insided in vaccination, dressings other critical & basic Nursing procedures.
Central Institute Body
AIIMS, Rishikesh
Director & CEO
Hospital Services
Medical Superintendent
Department of Nursing Services
Chief Nursing Officer
Nursing Superintendent
Deputy Nursing Superintendent
Assistant Nursing Superintendent
Senior Nursing Officer
Nursing Officer
Photo | Name | Designation |
![]() | Capt. Kalpana Beniwal | Officiating Nursing Superintendent |
![]() | Mrs. Vandana | Deputy Nursing Superintendent |
![]() | Mr. Akhil T | Deputy Nursing Superintendent |
![]() | Mr. Jino Jacob | Deputy Nursing Superintendent |
![]() | Mr. Jitendra Kumar Verma | Deputy Nursing Superintendent |
![]() | Mr. Nikhil B | Deputy Nursing Superintendent |
![]() | Mrs. Pushpa Rani | Deputy Nursing Superintendent |
Research: –
Department of Nursing aims at providing optimum and evidence based nursing care to our Patients. As percentage of Clinical Nursing Research done by Direct care providers is negligible in India. Under the patron ship of Hon’ble Director, we would like to promote clinical research by Nursing Officers. For that, Department of Nursing Services aims to promote clinical research and Nurse researcher to become PI (principle investigator) as well as Guides from different disciplines which will provide better opportunity for direct care givers. Such clinical researches will contribute to the society in large.
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1. Job Title: CNO (Chief Nursing Officer)
2. Responsible to: Reporting to Medical Superintendent
Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) is accountable for safe and quality nursing care in various departments of hospital and control staff development programs. He/ She is assisted in carrying out his/her duties, by Nursing Superintendents, Deputy Nursing Superintendents, and Assistant Nursing Superintendents. CNO is also assisted by a brigade of ministerial staff for the management of official records of the nursing personnel.
CNO is over all responsible for planning, organizing, and implementing comprehensive nursing care.
A. Nursing Services:
1. Responsible for efficient functioning of nursing services of the hospital.
2. Participates as an active member of the board/senior management team of hospital.
3. Assist Director and Medical superintendent in formulating broad policies concerning Nursing Services.
4. Determine and disseminate the aims, objectives and policies regarding patient care to all cadres of nursing services.
5. Implement policies and procedures of hospital regarding nursing services.
6. Convene meetings to ensure strategic planning of nursing service with nursing personnel and hospital management.
7. Functions as a member of various institutional committees and condemnation board for linen and other hospital equipment.
8. Strives to implement standard nursing practices and maintain highest quality of care.
9. Promote evidence-based models of nursing care delivery.
10. Ensure the safe and efficient care rendered in the various nursing units of the hospital.
11. Make regular rounds in hospital and wards.
12. Plan future requirements of nurses and actively participate in recruitment process.
13. Assist in recruitment of other auxiliary staff whose duties are related to nursing.
14. Foster opportunities throughout the organization for staff to develop, enhance, and promote their nursing leadership skills and contributions.
15. Guide and counsel the sub-ordinate nursing staff and auxillary staff as and when needed.
16. Decide and recommend personnel and material requirement for running various nursing service units of the hospital.
17. Critically analyses and prepares the budget for nursing services for hospital before being forwarded to Director.
18. Look after the welfare of the patients, their relatives and the nursing staff.
19. Participate in inter and intra-hospital meetings/conferences regarding improvement of patient care.
20. Evaluate APAR (Annual Performance and Appraisal Report) of whole nursing cadre.
21. Explore and resolve complaints in the interest of patient care nursing services.
22. Inform the Director/Medical superintendent about the latest happening concerning the hospital.
B. Education and Research:
23. Plans and disseminate programmes for continuing education and re-orientation programmes for nurses and student nurses.
24. C.N.O will keep himself/herself abreast of latest happenings in nursing care.
25. Initiate, encourage and implement evidence based nursing practices along with nursing research capacity building in partnership with relevant stakeholders.
C. General Office duties:
26. Attend to the general correspondence related to nursing service office.
27. Maintain necessary records concerning the nursing staff, confidential reports etc.
28. Submit annual report of the nursing services department to medical superintendent.
29. Participate in professional and community activities.
30. Maintain cordial relations with public and volunteer organizations.
1. Job Title: Nursing superintendent
2. Reporting to: C.N.O (Chief Nursing officer)
Nursing Superintendent is responsible for round the clock administration and supervision of assigned departments. He/ She is accountable for the safe, efficient and quality nursing care.
A. Nursing Services:
1. Responsible for nursing services in hospital or specialized centres irrespective of the number of beds.
2. Ensure safe and efficient care rendered to patients in various units.
3. Strives to implement standard nursing practices and maintain highest quality of care.
4. Carry out regular rounds in all wards and units in view of quality patient care.
5. Promote evidence-based models of nursing care delivery.
6. Look after the welfare of the patients and the nursing staff.
7. Responsible for counselling and guidance of subordinates.
8. Arrange welfare service activities for various cadre nursing personnel.
9. Recommends personnel and material requirement for nursing service departments of the hospital
10. Conduct and participate in nursing audit and supervise audit in unit.
11. Coordinate with CNO in formulation of hospital policy, particularly concerning nursing services.
12. Responsible for implementing hospital/centre policies amongst various nursing units.
13. NS will be a member of various institutional committees and condemnation boards for linen and other hospital stores.
14. NS coordinate with CNO to prepare budget for nursing services of hospital.
15. Coordinate and assist CNO in recruiting nursing staff with assigned recruitment authority.
16. Assist CNO in recruitment of other auxiliary staff whose duties are related to nursing.
17. Maintain discipline among nurses and other auxiliary staff.
18. Attends inter hospital/intra hospital meetings and conferences to ensure quality patient care and staff development.
19. NS will periodically interact with clinical heads to discuss problems in patient care
20. Investigate complaints related to Nursing services and takes necessary steps.
21. NS officiate as CNO in the absence of CNO (The senior most amongst the NS will do so).
22. Evaluate APAR (Annual Performance and Appraisal Report) of ANS &DNS.
B. Education and Research:
23. Initiate, encourage and implement evidence based nursing practices along with nursing research capacity building in partnership with relevant stakeholders.
24. NS will coordinate in organising various continuing education programmes for nurses.
25. Keep himself/herself abreast of latest happenings in nursing practices.
1. Job Title: Deputy Nursing Superintendent
2. Reporting to: C.N.O and Nursing superintendent
Deputy Nursing Superintendent is responsible for the management and supervision of nursing services of various departments of hospital. And DNS assists NS in administration of nursing services in the hospital. He/She is accountable for efficient, effective and quality nursing care in assigned unit/departments of hospital.
A. Nursing Administration:
1. Act as a liaison officer between Nursing Superintendent and the nursing personnel of the hospital.
2. Officiate in the absence of nursing Superintendent (senior most DNS will do so)
3. Assist Nursing superintendent in planning and organizing nursing services in hospital.
4. Interpret the policies and procedures of the Nursing service department to sub- ordinate staff and others.
5. Supervise the nursing care given to the patients in various departments of his/her area.
6. Ensure safe and efficient care rendered to patients in various units.
7. Strives to implement standard nursing practices and maintain highest quality of care.
8. Ensure nursing personal are posted in area based on skill and competency.
9. Promote evidence-based models of nursing care delivery.
10. Attend the emergency calls concerning nursing services.
11. Receive night reports from the night supervisor.
12. Assist the nursing superintendent in making master duty roster of subordinates.
13. Maintain the attendance and leave register for nurses.
14. Conduct regular physical verification of hospital stocks, i.e. drugs, equipment etc.
15. Conduct and participate audits pertaining to nursing services and supervise nursing audit in unit
16. Maintain discipline and punctuality among nursing personnel.
17. Attend official meetings and suggest appropriate measure pertaining to nursing services.
18. Evaluate APAR (Annual Performance and Appraisal Report) of ANS, SNO, NO.
19. Keep the senior nursing Officials (CNO & NS) informed of the happenings in the hospital nursing services.
B. Education and Research:
20. Assist in planning/organizing and implementing staff development programs.
21. Provide guidance and counseling to nursing staff.
22. Design, implement and revise nursing quality improvement program
23. Organize orientation programs for newly joined nursing staff.
24. Keep herself/himself abreast of latest happenings in nursing care by attending National / International conferences.
25. Orient,Initiate, encourage and implement evidence based nursing practices.
26. Privileging of nursing personal and annual revision of the same.
27. Conduct staff development program.
28. Ensure clinical experience facilities for student nurses in various clinical areas of the hospital.
29. Organize educational programs for graduate/post graduate students from different hospitals with the co-ordination of clinical instructor/lecturer college of nursing.
C. General Duties:
30. Accompany special visitors, Nursing Superintendent, CNO, Medical Superintendent for hospital rounds.
31. Arranges and participates in professional and social functions of the nursing personnel.
32. Maintains good public relations.
33. Any other duties assigned to her/him as and when required by the superior authority.
34. Receive daily hospital report from ANS.
1. Job Title: Assistant Nursing superintendent(ANS)
2. Reporting to: Deputy Nursing superintendent
Assistant Nursing Superintendent is responsible for developing and supervising nursing services of a department/floor/ward/unit managed by the ward in charge, these units may be Inpatient department, Outpatient department, Operating rooms, Obstetrics units etc.
A. Patient Care and Ward management:
1. Organize and plan nursing care activities of the department or a floor according to hospital policies and service needs.
2. Plan and arrange duty for nursing personnel in assigned units.
3. Ensures availability of adequate nursing staff in all shifts.
4. Reinforce the principle of good ward management in each ward.
5. Review reports from senior nursing officer regarding the nursing care of patients.
6. Check day, evening and night report books and bring any important issue to the notice of superiors & Check duty assignment books in each ward as required.
7. Root cause analysis and escalate any incidence related to patient care to concerned authority through proper channel.
8. Conduct and participate in audits pertaining to nursing services in the assigned units and submit audit report to concerned authority as and when required.
9. Check report about any medico legal cases and bring them to the notice of superiors.
10. Perform regular round of the assigned area to ensure quality nursing care is delivered to patients.
11. Supervise nursing care and all nursing activities in unit/s assigned to him/her in hospitals.
12. Make recommendations and arrangements for adequate supply of medicines and surgical supplies, equipment, linen, stationary etc. Ensure proper maintenance of their accounts. Ensure verification of ward stock, their indents, maintenance and condemnation etc.
13. Guide the senior nursing officer to ensure supplies and equipment from different stores, and re-check their use and care.
14. Ensure daily check of emergency and high risk drugs, lifesaving equipment.
15. Periodical check of all stocks and supplies.
16. Keeping superior informed of the needs of the patient Care areas and bring it to notice any special problems.
17. Organize staff meetings to deal with problems and complaints of nurses, with seniors and subordinate staff and students
18. Maintain good inter-personnel relationship with all categories of staff, patients and their relatives.
19. Maintain discipline among nursing personnel and Support staff.
20. Identify and manage problems related to incompetent, unsafe and unprofessional conduct of nursing staff.
21. Organize and conduct staff meetings from time to time. Take this opportunity to teach relevant topics and inform and discuss any changes in rules and regulations etc. Deal with problems, difficulties and complaints of subordinate staff.
22. Address, resolve, and escalate grievances of nursing personnel.
23. Ensure collecting feedback of patients and families.
24. Convene meeting among senior nursing officers and Nursing officers.
25. Ensure interdepartmental collaboration for quality patient care.
26. Implementation of hospital policies, rules and regulations.
27. Any other duty assigned by CNO, Nursing Superintendent and DNS.
28. Prepare and submit APAR (Annual Performance and Appraisal Report) of SNO and NO.
29. Collect and verify evening/night report from on duty supervisors.
30. Attend emergency calls from the hospital.
B. Education and Research:
31. Develop & interpret the policies and protocols related to nursing care and organize orientation programmes for new nursing personnel.
32. Keep herself/himself abreast of latest happenings in nursing care by attending National / International conferences.
33. Conduct and coordinate continuing nursing education sessions and ensure participation of nursing personnel.
34. Initiate, encourage and implement evidence based nursing practices.
35. Arrange and conduct staff development programme. Assist Deputy nursing Superintendent with continuing nursing education programmes for nurses, paramedical and other subordinate staff.
36. Assist in planning for and participation in the training of auxiliary personnel.
37. Provide counselling and guidance sessions for nursing personnel.
C. General duties
38. Accompany special visitors, DNS, Nursing Superintendent, CNO, and Medical Superintendent for rounds in assigned units.
39. Arranges and participates in professional and social functions of the nursing personnel.
40. Maintains good public relations.
41. Act as a liaison officer between the Nursing Department and higher hospital authorities.
42. Carry out other duties delegated by CNO/Nursing Superintendent/ Deputy Nursing Superintendent.
43. Assist DNS to ensure privileging of nursing personal and annual revision of the same.
44. Assist/ Help DNS to design, implement and revise nursing quality improvement program.
45. Any other duties related to nursing as per seniors/competent authority
1.Job Title: Senior Nursing Officer
2.Reporting to: Assistant Nursing superintendent
Senior Nursing Officer is responsible for overall management of unit and accountable for the nursing care rendered in ward/unit assigned to him/her. He/She takes full charge of the ward and assigns work to various categories of nursing and non-nursing personnel working with him/her and is also responsible for safety and comfort of the patients in the ward. He/ She need to devote her 80% time in direct patient care and 20% time in supervision and administration.
A. Patient Care:
1. Ensure proper admission, transfer and discharge of patients.
2. Ensure that total health needs of all the patients are met. Be aware of the physical condition of all patients, especially those who are seriously ill.
3. Plan nursing care and make patients assignment as per their nursing needs.
4. Demonstrate and carry out quality nursing care, taking care of personal comfort and administration of drugs and treatment, observation and recording of vital parameters.
5. Supervise and ensure patient’s nutritional needs are met.
6. Co-ordinate patient care with other departments.
7. Supervise and ensure adequate care provided to vulnerable and restraint patients.
8. Attending rounds with Medical/Nursing personnel to facilitate them in diagnosis and treatment of patients. Bring to attention any point of importance and implement alterations in treatment as prescribed by the treating physician and carry out their instructions.
9. Supervise nursing procedures carried out by nurses and student nurses.
10. Maintenance of patient’s records properly especially MLC records.
11. Care of patient’s personal assets in accordance with hospital rules.
12. Perform and enforce preventive care bundles (CAUTI, CLABSI, pressure injury prevention bundles, surgical site infection bundle and other bundles as applicable) while performing patient care.
13. Perform and implement hand hygiene techniques
14. Follow prescribed rules in case of accident or death of a patient.
15. Give information and health education to patients and their attendants.
16. Ensure consent is taken before procedures
17. Intimation to area Assistant nursing superintendent of any emergency or unusual occurrence in the ward by proper incidental reporting.
18. Carry out evening /night supervision as per assignment and submit report to ANS.
19. Ensure confidentiality and privacy of all patients.
B. Ward Management:
20. Primarily responsible for management of the assigned ward/s/unit/s and supervision of nursing and subordinate staff.
21. Maintain discipline among all categories of staff and students. Check attendance records. Report indiscipline and unauthorized absence of subordinate staff. Investigate complaints against subordinate staff and report to superiors.
22. Ensure a safe and clean environment. Supervise general cleanliness, strict infection control practices, hygiene of the assigned unit/s, ensure that the unit/s is dusted and mopped regularly and visitors are controlled.
23. Carry out medication management in accordance with hospital policy, emphasize on policies for narcotic drug storage and accounting, emergency drugs, high risk medications, look alike and sound alike drugs, crash cart and near expiry drugs etc.
24. Ensure disinfection of linen, beds, floor and other equipment and utensils and fumigation of rooms.
25. Ensure the sufficient stock of supplies in the ward
26. Ensure preparation of room, trolleys, and sets for procedures.
27. Organize and conduct staff meetings from time to time. Take this opportunity to teach relevant topics and inform and discuss any changes in rules and regulations etc. Deal with problems, difficulties and complaints of subordinate staff, patients and their attendants. Discuss any other relevant issue.
28. Participate in clinical as well as administrative audit and in any other accreditation process.
29. Make/assist Assistant Nursing Superintendent in making duty roster of nursing officers and other subordinate staff. Ensure that arrangements are made to assign nurses in emergencies wherever and whenever they occur.
30. Supervise laundry work and timely replacement of linen.
31. Report medico-legal cases, accidents, emergencies, deaths and any abscond to higher authority.
32. Ensure that all ward registers, records, census and statistics are regularly maintained and submitted when asked.
33. Ensure that standard precaution equipment is readily available and is being used by the staff & Look after Bio-medical hazards and Bio-medical waste management and ensure that equipment and processes for the same are in place.
34. Supervise handing over and takeover charge of patients at the end of the shift.
35. Co-ordinate work of other staff, e.g. physical therapist, social worker, dietitian, voluntary worker, biomedical engineer etc.
36. Maintaining good inter personal relationship among all categories of staff and with patients and their relatives.
37. Indenting, storing and issuing drugs and surgical supplies.
38. Keep custody of high risk drugs and record of their administration.
39. Daily check of emergency drugs and life savings equipments.
40. Maintenance of stock registers, inventories.
41. Investigate complaints if any.
C. Education and Research:
42. Orientation of new staff and student nurses.
43. Participate in continuing nursing education programme and attend staff meetings.
44. Impart planned and incidental teaching.
45. Consult and co-operate with nursing educator in arranging clinical teaching.
46. Initiate and encourage implementation of evidence based nursing practices.
47. Keeps himself/herself abreast of latest happenings in nursing by attending national and international conferences.
48. Evaluate the student’s performance and submit reports to authorities, whenever specifically assigned.
49. Perform any other duty as may be specified by senior nursing official as and when required.
1. Job Title: Nursing Officer
2. Reporting to: Senior Nursing Officer & ANS
Nursing Officer is primary care taker who provides direct care to assigned patients during duty shift.
A. Patient Care:
1. Ensure proper admission, transfer and discharge of the patients.
2. Keep up high competency level in assessing the client condition and planning the nursing care including hand hygiene.
3. Provide skillful bedside care to patients and ensure holistic needs of the patient are met.
4. Provide comprehensive nursing care to acutely ill patients.
5. Prevention and care of pressure injury as needed.
6. Observing, recording and reporting of vital parameters.
7. Administration of Medicines and Injections to the patients as per doctor’s prescription
8. Demonstrate knowledge of purpose, principles and precautions associated with drugs, therapeutic methods and diagnostic lists.
9. Monitor the patient after drug administration
10. Infusion and transfusion of blood &blood product after verification of blood bag with patient particulars by on duty doctor.
11. Carry out skilled procedures if patient is stable and cooperative, if not then assist the doctor to carry these procedures.
12. Assisting patients in performing activities of daily living (those who are unable to do) with assistance of nursing orderly/ward attendant
13. Collecting, labeling, and dispatch of specimen under the scope of nursing practice.
14. Assist physician/surgeon in clinical tests and medical/surgical procedures.
15. Ensure all consents including blood transfusion consent.
16. Maintain critical result register where applicable
17. Observe changes in patients’ condition and record, take necessary action such as initiation of Basic Life Support to unresponsive and cardiac arrest patients as per AHA guidelines and activate emergency response system by sending call to concerned doctor and Complete hand over of all relevant records and reports to the next shift nursing officer.
18. Adhere with preventive care bundles (CAUTI, CLABSI, pressure injury prevention bundle, surgical site infection bundle and other bundles as applicable) while performing patient care.
19. Care of the dying as per hospital policy.
20. Ensure care of dead bodies as per protocol.
21. Provide care to vulnerable and restraint patients as per hospital policy.
22. Ensure implementation of MEWS (modified early warning signs).
23. Escort seriously ill patients with duty doctor to and from the department/wards for investigations & treatment.
24. Participate in ward rounds with medical team, discuss nursing observations and concerns (be a patient advocate).
25. Take round notes, ensure alterations in treatment is made as per the prescription by the doctors and carry out their instructions judiciously.
26. Make sure that case sheets are properly handled, especially medico legal cases. Keep all nursing records up to date.
27. Respond promptly and appropriately to complaints made by patients and relatives regarding nursing care.
28. Participate and prepare for nursing audits.
29. Practice and reinforce confidentiality of sensitive information at all times.
30. Perform, enforce and instruct co-workers regarding the importance of strict infection control practices
31. Ensure early ambulation and rehabilitation.
32. Carry-out patient’s teaching and demonstration according to the need among patient caregivers.
33. Discuss with senior nursing officer any concerns; seek advice and exchange ideas and information to provide the best possible nursing care.
34. Participate in discharge planning in consultation with treating physician
35. May be required to:
• Perform overtime or call back duty when deemed and unavoidable.
• Accept assignment to an area other than his/her work area.
• Accept duties and responsibilities of Team Leader or senior nursing officer when required.
• Perform any other task as requested by his/her superior
B. Ward Management:
36. Handing over and taking over charge of patients, and ward inventory in each shift.
37. Inform senior nursing officer or team leader immediately of any unusual events or concerns during the shift.
38. Maintain therapeutic environment.
39. Handles and help SNO to maintain biomedical equipment.
40. Monitor proper BMW management.
41. Maintenance of therapeutic environment in the ward.
42. Ensure cleanliness of the unit.
43. Ensure cleanliness of dressing trolleys, cupboards and equipment.
44. Ensure disinfection of linen, beds, floor and other equipment and utensils and rooms.
45. Preparation of room, trolleys, and sets for procedures.
46. Carry out medication management in accordance with hospital policy, emphasize on policies for narcotic drug storage and accounting, emergency drugs, high risk medications, look alike and sound alike drugs, crash cart and near expiry drugs etc.
47. Ensure emergency cart is readily accessible, contains, required emergency equipments and supplies as designed by emergency care advisory committee/ institute policy, is fully stocked at all times and is checked regularly by using a check list to verify assessment.
48. Maintaining good interpersonal relationship with patients, relatives and health team members.
C. Education and Research:
49. Orientation of new staff/students.
50. Demonstration and guidance to student nurses.
51. Participation in continuing nursing education (CNE) programs, staff meetings and contribute your valuable ideas in improving the patient care and ward management.
52. Participation in professional activities.
53. Demonstration and supervision of support staffs.
54. Be receptive to new ideas and concepts, contribute opinions and share concerns.
55. Participate in research activities and promote evidence based nursing.
56. Keeps himself/herself abreast of latest happenings in nursing practices.
Nursing Service Office
Ph: No. 01352462513 (O)
AIIMS, Rishikesh