S. No. Document Name 1”मेरी योजना” राज्य सरकार द्वितीय संस्करण पुस्तक2APPLICATION FORM FOR THE CREATION OF E-OFFICE ACCOUNT3EHS Version 24Employee Health Scheme Drug Requisition Form( OPD )5Home Town Declaration Form6APLICATION FOR GRANT OF TA/DA ADVANCE7PROFORMA FOR SUBMISSION OF DEPARTURE REPORT8PROFORMA FOR TAKING PRIOR PERMISSION BY GOVERNMENT SERVANTS FOR PRIVATE VISITS ABROAD9STANDARD FORM CUM SELF-CERTIFICATE FOR CLAIMING REIMBURSEMENT OF CHILDREN EDUCATION ALLOWANCES SCHEME10No Dues form11Identity Card Format12Application Form for Renewal/ Add of EHS Booklet13LEAVE APPLICATION, STATION LEAVE, OFFICIAL DUTY FORM (Non-Faculty Group A/Group B/Group C)14Request for conduction venue for conduction conference15Employee Health Scheme Drugs Requisition Form16Opting of Tax Scheme under Income Tax Act, 1961 for the FY 2024-2517SNO Reservation Roster18Recruitment Rules of Faculty post19Poor Free Form20Conflict of Interest-Declaration21EHS Retired Beneficiary Form22Regarding main auditorium – SOP23Accommodation Priority List Type VI24Accommodation Priority List Type V25Medical Certificate26LEAVE TRAVEL CONCESSION (LTC) FORM (for Non-Faculty)27Medical Certificate28DOCUMENTS CHECK LIST FOR MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT THROUGH EMPLOYEE HEALTH SCHEME CARD29Payroll Management Form30APAR- Non Faculty31APAR Form- For all Nursing Personnel32APAR Form- Faculty33Medical Reimbursement form34Digital signature request form35Newspaper Reimbursement Annexure36APPLICATION FOR LTC & LTC ADVANCE37E.H.S. – Application Form38Form P-3 with Annexure39Form P-2 with Annexure40Call for objection Notice41Medical examination form (AIIMS)42Leave Application Format for Faculty Post43DA/TA Claim Form44MDSR Formats (notification for all women’s death) Form45Concession Rates for Adventure Sports for Central Govt Employees46Application for Leave/Station Leave/Tour Program47Recruitment Rules of Faculty Post48Recruitment Rules of Non Faculty Posts for new AIIMS49Amendment in Recruitment Rules50Amendment of Recruitment Rules for Nursing Post51Application form for Leave or extension of leaves (Earned Leave)52Application form for faculty seeking permission to attend scientific meetings/Conference /Symposium/Seminar/Workshop/Short term training or course or Programme (FOR DOMESTIC VISIT ONLY)53Application form for faculty seeking permission to attend Scientific meetings/Conference/Symposium/Seminar/Workshop/ Short term training or course or Programme: (FOR VISIT ABROAD ONLY54Application for grant L.T.C. Advance55Leave Travel Concession bill56Traveling Allowance bill for Tour57Requisition for Air Ticket58Form for Return of Assets & Liabilities as per Lokpal & Lokayuktas Act, 2013.59Form for declaration of Dependents and Family Details60Medical Certificate Form