Antimicrobial Stewardship Program(AMSP)

The institute has an established antimicrobial stewardship program (AMSP) section for quality patient care for a few years, stabilized during the COVID-19 pandemic. Optimizing the use of antimicrobials is critical to effectively treat infections, protect patients from harm caused by unnecessary use, and combat antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Hospital AMSP can increase cure rates while reducing treatment failures, C. difficile infections, adverse effects, AMR, hospital costs, and lengths of stay.

The mission is simple i.e. to practice antimicrobial stewardship for a safe and healthy society.

The objectives of the AMSP will be to share knowledge about antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) practices in the institute through meetings, orders, circulars, conferences, publications, or other educational and research activities; To promote skills to various healthcare cadres through capacity-building workshops, short discussions and develop tools/mechanisms for enabling AMS practices in own working areas; To promote research and innovations in various depts for better health-related outcomes by employing AMS practices along with standard of care; To develop institute benchmarks on key indicators of the AMS; and To prepare and update regularly guidelines/guidance documents on the same.

Few targets to achieve these objectives are:

  1. Zero tolerance to antimicrobial prescriptions without writing ID Diagnosis and without following dept specific antimicrobial policy
  2. Decreasing turn-around time for all microbiological diagnosis
  3. Improving optimal utilization of antimicrobials by considering PK/PD parameters
  4. Achieving 100% regular AMSP training for all health care workers

Few important orders/circulars:

 1. Committee Order /Circular

AMSP Committee
Guidance for use of time-kinetic antimicrobials
Guidance for Preparing Reserve group of Antimicrobials
Guidance for Preparing Clinical antibiograms

2. Guideline/SOP

IAS practice Guidance_version 1.0_WAAW 2021_AIIMSR
ID Practice Document – Right Diagnosis & Right Treatment version 2.0 WAAW 2022 AIIMSR.
ID practices Document- Right Diagnosis & Right Treatment_version 3.0_WAAW 2024_AIIMSR
 PEAK SOP_version 2.0_AIIMSR

3. Annual report

WAAW 2023 – The 6th Institutional Composite CMEs

4. WAAW event

WAAW 2024 Invitation and Brochure AIIMS Rishikesh
YouTube channel (WAAW)

5. Patient Education

बुखार- महत्वपूर्ण बातें (Fever – Basic things to know)

6. Miscellaneous

Integrated stewardship practice statements_SASPI_v1.0


Let’s practice infection prevention, source control, right diagnosis, and right antimicrobial utilization w.r.t. drug, it’s dose, delivery, duration, and decision on followup.

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