
We are aware towards our responsibility to improve the ecosystem so that we can pass-on a healthy place to future generations. Saving trees will also contribute to promote ecological diversity and enhancement of health. Additionally, shifting from the use of paper to electronic systems intensify the accountability of the persons involved in the process of work. Considering the benefits, AIIMS, Rishikesh is shifting towards electronic correspondence and record keeping.

In concordance to the Government’s plans to promote digital transformation and in a bid to facilitate delivery of patient centric services, AIIMS, Rishikesh initiated digital transformation. Taking a mini step towards it, online registration system portal was started in 2015. To add a step further, a giant leap was taken in 2017 when campus turned cashless with only digital payments being accepted from the patients, employees and students across various counters. Fully functional in record time and currently running without any hinderances this favors comfort to help-seekers by providing solutions to problems of carrying cash. This becomes further more pertinent in the current times of pandemic.

AIIMS Rishikesh took a vital step on 24.10.17 by adopting e-Hospital supported by National Informatics Centre, which is an open source health information management system designed to deploy in cloud infrastructure to manage multiple hospitals seamlessly. With this facility, patient registration, admission records, billing, reports of investigations, pharmacy and inventory modules are running hassle-free. Many patient-related applications like Health Radar, Artificial Intelligence Based Patient Screening System a Web & Mobile based application are deployed for saving time and to improve personalized care. Telemedicine is another milestone achieved and being used as a roadmap to improved healthcare in rural areas providing a virtual digital platform for healthcare in far-flung areas. ‘Mera Aspataal’ is a mobile-based application for accessing patient feedback, to gauze the responses and devise required improvements in the system.

AIIMS Rishikesh has incorporated e-office (files management system) in 2019 to compete work in transparent and timebound fashion. Commencement of e-office has reduced the consumption of paper in day-to-day correspondence. Similarly, campus management software has enabled us to manage enrollment, admissions, fees, scheduling, assignments and assessment of grades of students. It would generate automated reports on all aspects for data-driven decision-making. Student friendly website having dedicated student section provides reading material, updates of attendance, assessments and other relevant information.

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