IT Services


The Information Technology (IT) cell in a hospital plays a crucial role in ensuring the efficient operation of the hospital’s information systems and infrastructure.

Key responsibilities and functions of an IT cell in the hospital

  1. Health Information Systems Management:
    • Electronic Health Records (EHR): Managing and maintaining EHR systems to ensure accurate and secure patient records.
    • Hospital Information System (HIS): Overseeing the HIS, which integrates various hospital functions such as patient registration, billing, and scheduling.
  2. Data Security and Privacy:
    • Implementing robust cybersecurity measures to protect sensitive patient data from breaches and cyber-attacks.
    • Ensuring compliance with healthcare regulations like HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) in the U.S. or GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) in Europe.
  3. Network and Infrastructure Management:
    • Maintaining the hospital’s IT infrastructure, including servers, networks, and hardware.
    • Ensuring high availability and reliability of network services to support hospital operations.
  4. Support and Maintenance:
    • Providing technical support to hospital staff for IT-related issues.
    • Regularly updating and maintaining software and hardware to ensure optimal performance.
  5. Telemedicine and Remote Healthcare:
    • Facilitating telemedicine services by ensuring the necessary technology and platforms are in place.
    • Supporting remote consultations and monitoring systems for patients.
  6. Integration of Medical Devices:
    • Managing the integration of various medical devices with IT systems to enable real-time data collection and monitoring.
    • Ensuring interoperability between different devices and systems within the hospital.
  7. Data Analytics and Reporting:
    • Leveraging data analytics tools to support clinical decision-making and hospital management.
    • Generating reports for hospital administration, regulatory bodies, and other stakeholders.
  8. Training and Education:
    • Training hospital staff on new technologies and IT systems.
    • Educating staff about best practices for data security and efficient use of IT resources.


Services by IT cell in the Institute

  • IT Cell provides support of e-office, e-hospital and other related applications.
  • IT Cell provides all support related to Network, Software & Hardware support.
  • IT Cell provides easily accessible and excellent computational facilities to the faculty and students.
  • Entire hospital is connected with wireless connectivity.
  • Institute official website is maintaining by IT Cell.
  • Providing email IDs to all faculty/Officers/staff and students by the IT Cell.


Overall, the IT cell is integral to the modern hospital’s operation, enhancing the quality of care, improving efficiency, and ensuring the security and integrity of patient information.


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